CSW SI Events

22 March | 12 PM London
Organised by Soroptimist International and the Soroptimist International Federations (EVENT ID #: 12768)


Participants will hear of women who have overcome obstacles to enable empowerment and leadership in the world of work. Learn how we can develop the next generation of leaders through best practice grassroots programs that provide women and girls the confidence and a sense of empowerment to achieve their fullest potential throughout their lifespan. Discussion of grassroots programs designed to change the ability and social structures in the larger community that act as barriers to gender equality with the benefits of Sustainable Development.
Focusing on SDGs 4 and 5, Soroptimist International’s 70,000 members in 121 countries advocate for gender equality, develop and implement grassroots projects to Educate, Empower and Enable Women and Girls to reach their economic potential and become innovative leaders in their chosen careers, communities and beyond. Examples from the 5 Federations will be highlighted.


Sandra Gonzalez Sköld – Soroptimist International of Europe

Helen Harvey – Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland

Isla Winarto – Soroptimist International of the South West Pacific

Kazuko Morita – Soroptimist International of the Americas

Chinwe Ezenwa-Mbah – Soroptimist International Federation of Africa

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22 March | 8 PM London
Organised by Soroptimist International and Women for Water Partnership (Event ID #: 12918)


This session will highlight the importance of Enabling and Empowering Women to contribute to effective Climate Action under different circumstances. Furthermore, the importance to integrate Gender-Responsive approaches to Climate ChangeEnvironmental and Disaster Risk ReductionPolicies and Programmes, will be part of this discussion.

Participants will hear:

The Catalytic role of Women in Water Management
The Gender Dimension of Water and Climate Change
Mental Health connected with Climate Change
A brief history of Women, Water, and the UN Assembly
Youth Resiliency and Climate Change: Possibilities and Barriers
Mwihoko Women Group, Kenya – Education and Training Programme

Mariet Verhoef-Cohen, President of Women for Water Partnership and Past President of Soroptimist International
Barbara Pozzo, Prof. Dr. Full Professor of Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law and Director of the Department of Law, Economics and Cultures of the University of Insubria, Como, Italy
Dr. Helen Berry, Inaugural Professor of Climate Change and Mental Health at the University of Sydney
Linda Witong, California Assistant District Attorney, Soroptimist International Advocacy Advisor
Mary Muia, Soroptimist International UN Representative at UNEP, Nairobi
Rose Makunzo Mwangi, Member of the Steering Committee, Women for Water Partnership.

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24 March | 6 PM London
Organised by Soroptimist International, Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People  


Older women face disproportionate economic empowerment challenges. Ageism, barriers to re-skilling, unpaid caregiving are some key challenges. This session will make real the implication of these challenges in lives of older women, discuss the benefits of a human rights-based approach in developing programmes and policies for economic empowerment of older women and make the connection on why recognition of older women as rights holders are critical to economic empowerment, dignity and well-being of older women worldwide.


Ken Bluestone – Age International

Irena Niolle – DIS-MOI, Mauritius (Youth Advocate for Rights of Older Persons)

Ayushi Kundu – Human Rights Lawyer, Soroptimist International

Amal Abou Rafeh – Programme Unit on Ageing, United Nations, Dept. of Economic & Social Affairs

Sharon Fisher –  Immediate Past President Soroptimist International, Moderator

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18 March | 1.00 PM-2.30 PM EDT | 5 PM LONDON


This side event will focus on training and reforms that can make the World of Work more fair, safe, and inclusive, allowing all workers to be valued for their contributions to society: the elimination of all kinds of violence and harassment in the work realm, The Future of Work will depend on decisions taken today by policymakers, employers, and workers themselves. If those are informed by the values of fairness, equity, and social justice, then we will certainly be building forward better.

Concept Note HERE


Opening – H.E. Maria del Carmen Squeff, Permanent Representative of Argentina

Moderator – Maria Fornella Oehninger, Soroptimist International UN Representative

Women’s Empowerment and Financial Inclusion – Andrea Grobocopatel, President, FLOR Foundation

Closing the Gender Pay Gap – Siobhán Vipond, Executive Vice-President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), and Chair of the ITUC Women’s Committee

ILO C190 Ending Violence in the Workplace and Promoting Decent Work – Ms Beate Andrees, ILO Special Representative to the UN, and Director of the ILO at the UN

Dream It Be It, Career Support and Mentoring for Girls – Beverly Bucur, Soroptimist International Advisor, Education Specialist

Why STEM? – Elena Pinetti, Scientist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (USA).

Followed by Conclusion and Questions.

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16 March | 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM GMT | Organised by Taiwan Coalition against Violence (TCAV)



Increasingly intense climate change & disasters disproportionately damage the safety and rights of women & children, worsening gender inequality at alarming, unprecedented rates. Only by involving the entirety of society can we truly overturn social norms, attitudes, and public discourse to invoke lasting action on systemic and individual levels. As the Generation Equality Forum’s landmark 5-year plan for global action from 2021-2026 is a critical building block, with evermore urgency, we are focusing on three of the forum’s directives – gender-based violence, socio-economic equality & justice, and the intersection of feminist action with climate justice – all while incorporating the United Nations CEDAW treaty and Sustainable Development Goals.

This event connects SDGs with the risk factors for violence. By integrating the know-how of TCAV to approach grassroot efforts forming violence prevention & protection networks, communities can learn freedom from violence, stigmas and stereotypes. TCAV drives gender equality and sustainable impact from a local to global scale, which when combined with multilateralism we can march closer to a future generation of equality.

Each of the three speakers above represent a key aspect in the multifaceted movement from Soroptimist’s international aid efforts to TCAV’s local empowerment entities to sustainable low-carbon living technology. The theme will be examined from both global macro perspectives and individual micro actions, sharing a united vision on the future of gender equality.

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22 March | 10 AM TPE (21 March 10 PM EST) | Organised by Soroptimist International of Truth, Goodness and Beauty in Kaushing



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18 March | 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM GMT 
Organised by The Permanent Mission of Ireland, Permanent Mission of Fiji, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace & Security, and Soroptimist International

Key Note Speaker – Mary Robinson, Chair of the Elders’

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24 March | 1 PM – 3.30 PM EDT
Organised by NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY

This CSW66 Dialogue for the UN Commission on the Status of Women features Women Leaders from different sectors who will share their initiatives that are impacting positive change even during these challenging times. Addressing climate change and disaster risk reduction, upholding human rights, gender equality, the discussion will include advocacy for an inclusive economy that supports access to technologies and connectivity for all. Together with UN Secretary- General H.E. Antonio Guterres’ Our Common Agenda, we are facing the urgency to reset policies and our commitments to be inclusive with gender balanced agendas. In addition, by working in partnership with all sectors we can build back from the pandemic with secure safe environments with Cultures of Peace. This is our best road map combined with “Our Common Agenda” to achieve the success of the UN2030 Sustainable Development Agenda to “Leave No One Behind.”

Welcome and Co-Moderator
● Ms. Margo LaZaro President & Chair of the NGOCSD-NY & Director of UN Relations for Global Family,
Co-Founder & CSO of SDGIA Community, Partner of C4UNWN, Convener of the Urban Cluster Reflections on Impacting Change
● H.E. Ms. Simona-Mirela Miculescu, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Romania to UNESCO, Paris
● Ms. Maria Fernanda Espinosa, President of the UN73 General Assembly, Member of the Group of Women Leaders for Change and Inclusion, Ecuador
● Hon. Ms. Bonita Zarrillo, Member of Parliament for Port Moody-Coquitlam, Canada, NDP Critic for Infrastructure and Communities, NDP Critic for Disability Inclusion, NDP Deputy Critic for Health;
● Dr. Linda Vakunta, Deputy-Mayor, Madison, Wisconsin, Founder & Executive Director of Project 1808
● Ms. Hawa Taylor-Kamara Diallo, Chief of the Civil Society Unit within the Civil Society, Advocacy and
Special Events Section of the United Nations Department of Global Communications
● Dr. Azza Karam, Secretary-General of Religions for Peace
● Ms. Maureen Maguire, President of Soroptimist International from Ireland
● Ms. Elaine Lum MacDonald, CEO of the Knowledge Pledge
● Ms. Kate Porter, Global HR Director of SafeMoon, Australia
● Ms. Mary Muia, Founder & Director of WEMA, & Soroptimist International UNEP Rep., Nairobi, Kenya
● Ms. Teddy Slavcheva, Co-Founder & CEO of Sooo Magazine and Co-Founder at InnoP,
Sustainable/Women in Tech, Oslo
● Ms. Nudhara Yusuf, Global Youth Coordinator at the Coalition for the UN We Need & Global
Governance Innovation Network Facilitator at The Stimson Center in Washington, DC and India
C4UNWN – UN Secretary General’s “Our Common Agenda”
● Mr. Jeffery Huffines, Senior Advisor of the Coalition for the UN We Need and Together First Interactive Dialogue Exchange
Our Partners: NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, PVBLIC Foundation, Baha’i International Community, Coalition for the UN We Need, The Stimson Center, SDG Relief Fund, SafeMoon, Together First, SDG Impact Awards Community, Global Family, Soroptimist International, Humanitarian Focus Foundation, Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission, Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization, Empower-a-Billion-Women(EBW), Debate for Peace, Huairou Commission, Youth for a Better World/Montessori Model UN, Youth Impact! Forum, General Assembly of Partners, Global Family for Love & Peace, ICW, GNEC, CoNGO, and UNA-USA Council of Organizations.
“Turn Your Passions into Actions for Change”
further information at http://www.ngocsd-ny.org

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