December 10th Day of Action

December 10th Club Day of Action!

In December 2011 we
introduced the inaugural Soroptimist International December 10th
Advocacy Campaign – one day when Soroptimists and their local
partners and supporters participate in a collective, worldwide advocacy effort
which links to the President’s December 10th Appeal.


When: December 10th – Human Rights Day

Where: Your community!

What: You decide! 

The SI Programme Team encourage you to pick a project or action to carry out in your local community on December 10th (or the closest Saturday) which promotes Soroptimist International as an organisation working to enhance education and leadership opportunities for women and girls.

 When you are asked ‘What do Soroptimists stand for?", you can reply "Education and Leadership!". So put the date into your club diary and start planning! A promotional flier/leaflet will be made available in September through the members section of the SI website which you can print locally if you wish. 

Click here to read all about the December 2011 Day of Action.



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