Donate to the SI President’s Appeal 2021-2023

Thank you for visiting this page. Donations to the 2019-2021 Appeal, “Road to Equality” close 30 September 2021. Donations for the NEW 2021-2023 President’s Appeal “Opening Doors to a Bright Future” can be accepted as of 1 October 2021. Member donations to the SI President’s Appeal will be transferred to Soroptimist International Foundation (registered in England and Wales 1194895), which has been set up to maximise opportunities for SI’s work around the world.

Soroptimist International of Great Britain HERE

Soroptimist International of the South East Asia Pacific HERE

Soroptimist International of Europe HERE

Soroptimist International of the Americas HERE




1 comment

  1. Angelika Harsant 3 years ago 13 December 2021

    Our 10-year Program Focus (Educate to Lead) ended in 2021.
    Do we have a new one?
    Thanks in advance for your answer


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