Driving accountability and leadership: the global platform for gender equality in and through education

Side event at CSW68 organised by UNESCO, UNICEF, United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative, Population Council, SDG4 Youth and Student Network 

Written by Tania Gómez Herazo (Soroptimist International of Belgium – Club Aalst) 

Gender equality in education with data insight 

Meredith Kozak from Population Council presented the global accountability dashboard for gender equality in education. This database tracks progress towards gender-transformative education globally, highlighting government and civil society efforts. Organisations and programs working on gender transformative education are highlighted on the global accountability dashboard.  

Gender equality in education – a Portuguese view  

The ambassador of Portugal, Ana Paula Zacarias stated the importance of education in fostering gender equality and social commitments: 

She highlighted two key points:  

  • Portugal has combined national programs for gender equality, educational programs, and citizenship education to achieve gender equality and combat stereotypes. 
  • Addressing gender inequality in education and politics through the design of inclusive solutions.  

Gender equality in education – a Norwegian view 

Thomas Poulsen, head of the Education section at the Norwegian agency for Development 

Cooperation emphasised the importance of an education future proof based. Norwegian government officials have highlighted the country’s progress in closing the gender gap through education and policy reforms. Partnerships with UNESCO and other organisations are crucial for delivering comprehensive sexuality education globally. 

Arne McMahon from Plan International emphasized the need to include students’ leadership and their voice in the decision-making process.  

Gender-transformative education initiatives 

It was stated that young girls are collaborating with UNICEF and other institutions to address the challenges of early pregnancies, child marriage, and gender-based violence through workshops. 

In Niger, the Youth Network worked with young people to co-create advocacy messages to end child and forced marriage, which is prevalent in the country (75%). 

In Sierra Leone, a Youth Advisory Panel was established to ensure policies promoting gender equality in education are implemented, including the ‘Radical Inclusion Policy’ and the ‘Three Time Manifesto.’ 

Young people are leading initiatives to engage with students and influence education policies.  Listening to students is fundamental for improving educational systems and policies, especially in areas like gender equality and sex education. Also, the importance of engaging with students and listening to their needs in policy formulation is paramount. 




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