Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict – Soroptimists participate in London Global Summit

SIGBI Join Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict

Soroptimist International’s Great Britain and Ireland Federation (SIGBI) will be participating in a Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict in London on 10-13 June 2014, the largest gathering ever brought together to tackle this vital issue.

"The widespread use of rape and other forms of sexual violence in armed conflicts around the world is one of the greatest, most persistent and most neglected injustices", states the UN Declaration of Commitment to End Sexual Violence in Conflict.  For too long, sexual violence has been viewed as an inevitable consequence of conflict, and perpetrators have gone unpunished. 

The Summit, which will be co-chaired by William Hague, UK Foreign Secretary, and
Angelina Jolie, Special Envoy for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, aims to create irreversible momentum towards ending the use of rape and sexual violence in conflict. It will deliver practical agreements to focus the efforts of conflict and post conflict-affected countries, donors, the UN and other multilateral organisations, NGOs and civil society in an ambitious and cohesive programme for change. Read more about the aims of the summit.

1,200 delegates are expected to attend, including representatives from
the governments from over 145 countries, UN agencies, the
G7, the African Union, civil society, international media, and
grassroots activists and survivor networks from around the world. 

Much of the Summit  will be
open to the public and media and free to attend, with panel
debates, live performances, exhibitions, installations and film
screenings. There will also be a marketplace exhibiting and selling
crafts and products made by survivors. Over 100 NGOs are involved in the

SIGBI will be hosting a panel session entitled  Building a Future after Conflict on Tuesday 10th June 6.30pm – 8pm and will have a stand in the Marketplace throughout the event. 

More information

SIGBI website: SIGBI Join Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict

Summit website: Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict




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