Inside story – SI Brande, Denmark,

SI Brande, Denmark, conducted a series of lessons for high
school students to help increase understanding of other peoples living
conditions. As a result of these lessons, students concluded that the most
effective and sustainable way to improve a community’s living conditions is to
ensure all children have access to education.

Inspired by their Soroptimist teachers, the students decided
to raise funds for a school in Burkino Faso. The entire year group became
involved and soon there was enough funding to supply electricity, blackboards
and sports equipment.


What the students say ….

What did you learn from being involved in this project?

"We learned that it was not so difficult to help
people as we thought, so if you put an effort into it you can succeed. It gave us great
pleasure that our efforts have proved such a big success. We have also learned a
great deal about how to run a project, what part of the money collected goes
directly to those in need and what part pays for many other things regarding a


How did the project
help Burkina Faso?

"In Burkina Faso we
collected 7000 danish kr and all the money went directly to the school Saaba C,
as the bank transferred the money without any charges directly. Which meant that ALL our money was spent
on the schools need, such as black boards, football, football clothes, and
school books.

Later on we got a letter
that all the 6 grades passed this years exam as for the first time they had
books for everyone to study from.


Do you still think about this

"We are very proud of this
project, both because we helped a lot of young school children, and also
because we won the Innovation prize in our community and won a 5000 kr cheque,
which we gave to a Syrian refugee centre.

Would you do it again?

"This has opened our eyes
and we would love to be part of such a project once again, even though we had
spent a great deal of our time on the project we would certainly do it again.





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