Thank you to Soroptimist International South East Asia Pacific (SISEAP) for sharing this highly interesting presentation with us on life long learning.
Download the presentation as a pdf
Watch the presentation as a video (opens in YouTube)
SISEAP highlights:
- Educating communities on sustainable food production, including planting vegetables and organic farming.
- Upskilling for personal and professional development, including life skills provision, public speaking training and learning English online.
- Formal and informal education, including the provision of computers for STEM learning and equity in learning.
- Health education including access to hygiene facilities and education, sexuality education.
- SISEAP Member training on action and advocacy on climate action.
Photo: region of Western Australia (six Clubs) –Â public speaking training
Photo: SI Club Damansan – life skills for youth
Photo: Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia (SIROM) – food security training
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