International Day of Rural Women

Soroptimist Madagascar Seeds for All project supporting rural women 

the International Day of Rural Women, Soroptimist International will focus on the
role of rural women as vital agents for economic change and the actions needed
to advance their rights and enable their full participation in meeting the 21st
century’s global priority of improving food security.

annually, this day is intentionally celebrated on the eve of the UN’s World
Food Day and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October
to highlight rural women’s contribution to food production and their struggle
against hunger and poverty.

We will be celebrating Soroptimist action and advocacy to support rural women on this day. Read more about issues they face in these previous issues of our Monthly Focus:

Rural Women and Food Security

Rural Women and Violence

Image: SI Antanananarivo Doyen "Seeds for All" project, part of the SI Union of Madagascar initiative supported by the German Soroptimist Union to improve food security and benefit households headed by women. A Soroptimist International of Europe Best Practice Award winner. 




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