International Women's Day – Enough is Enough, End Violence Against Women!

"We need to wake up to the danger that millions of women are facing each day. What better way to let our voice be heard than by standing on a bridge on 8th March 2013, and speaking out against Violence. Let’s do it. We owe it to us!". Talat Pasha, FPAC SI Pakistan. 

"We must look back on a year of shocking crimes of violence against women and girls and ask ourselves how to usher in a better future….This year on International Women’s Day, we convert our outrage into action."  UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon  (Read full statement)

In Pakistan, 14 year-old Malala was shot for standing up for her right to education.  In Delhi, India, a young woman was brutally gang-raped and murdered.  In the UK, 9 men are on trial for abusing girls as young as 11 and selling them for sex. The World Health Organisation estimates that at least one in three women will be beaten, raped or otherwise abused during her lifetime.  Read some of the human stories behind the statistics, from UK to China, India to DRC.

Isn’t it time to say Enough is Enough?

Violence against women and girls is a worldwide problem that affects people of all nationalities, faiths and economic backgrounds. Ending this violence isn’t just the responsibility of Governments but of every woman, man, boy and girl across the globe.

We can only end violence against women by changing society, relationships and the underlying factors that allow it to continue. We all have a role in raising awareness in our communities, changing attitudes and supporting grassroots action.   

Take Action on International Women’s Day

Soroptimist International is calling for a global day of action on International Women’s Day – 8th March 2013. By organising an event or demonstration on a bridge or other prominent place, SI Clubs can raise awareness of violence against women and say:  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. 

Read more – Resources for International Women’s Day

Violence against women must never be accepted, never excused, never tolerated”. Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General

“If we want to see the change, let us be the change. If we remain mute spectators to any form of violence, crime against women will not decrease.”  Sujatha Balakrishnan, President, SI Bangalore



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