Learning, sharing and building friendships – experience of a new UN Rep at CSW

Photo: Angelina (far right) and fellow Soroptimists at the CSW advocacy training

Angelina Akhvlediani joined the team of Soroptimist International UN Representatives in New York in November 2013. A psychotherapist by profession, she sits on the NGO Committee on Mental Health. 

In March, she attended the 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women. CSW is SI’s biggest advocacy event of the year, and over 50 Soroptimists gathered in New York to lobby, share the lessons of our project work around the world and learn. In this week’s SoroptiVoice blog, Angelina writes about her first day at CSW and meeting her fellow Soroptimists from around the world. 

In November I became UN Rep designate. During my
lucky two years since I got to know [retiring UN Rep] Yoko Olson, she was always telling me about the
importance of the Commission on the Status of Women. I read as much as I could about CSW, its past and
current issues and outcomes. Lois Beilin as my mentor extensively started to
prepare me for the upcoming CSW58. 

So, on March 9th I left home at 7am with the plan
that I would be back by midnight. As a young mother (or more accurate – as a
mother of young kids) I was fine, because my husband promised to be
"mother and father" all day long.

Waiting in the line at the entrance I started to make
new friendships. The first person I spoke with appeared to be a Soroptimist (Hello
Vivian)!!! And of course, the first familiar face I saw was [UN Rep and NGO CSW NY Committee Member] Bette Levy!  In the ballroom I had pleasant meeting with President
Ann Garvie and International Programme Director Hilary Ratcliffe. The opening session was very interesting. As always, it was
exciting to listen to Ambassador Garcia (my favorite ambassador from my limited
UN experience).

In the afternoon I joined the Soroptimist International advocacy training for delegates. I
loved it! It was informative, interesting, and fun. Reilly Dempsey asked us to make
small groups, so my sweet group was "Babae" (as Gigie baptized it).
Babae truly captured Soroptimist’s geographical covering: it included
territory from Romania (I miss you, Elena!) to Michigan, from UK to
Philippines. It was so great to see and work with Soroptimists from so many
places, to share ideas and to learn more!


Photo: UN Reps and other Soroptimists at the CSW delegation reception

The third part of the day was the SI reception. [Retiring UN Rep] Lois Beilin
organized everything for a good party. She assigned me to be a
"financial watchdog"- I was collecting the money for the party.
Mostly, all the Soroptimists knew each other and were more than happy to get
together again. For me it was a great chance to meet them. And I am so pleased
to work with all of them in the future.  




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