NY Reps attend the 8th Working Group on the SDG's and the 52nd Session of the CSocD.

February is proving to be a busy month for Soroptimist International’s UN Representatives, New York. They recently attended the Opening Session to the 8th Session of
the Open Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals held from February 3 – 7. UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka opened the Session
with a speech on the importance of promoting gender equality, arguing that
the Post 2015 framework needs to be anchored in a human rights framework and
must recognise the dignity of all people. Ms. Mlambo-Ngcuka reaffirmed her call for a
standalone gender goal, gender mainstreaming, and action on Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG).

During the week each Member State
outlined what they wish to see in the Post 2015 Development Agenda. Although there were predicted differences, 48 countries agreed that the needs of women and girls must be
prioritised. There was more support than previous sessions for a standalone goal on gender but it was not
universal so work still needs to continue in this area.

Soroptimist International has endorsed an Open Letter to the Co-Chairs of
the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and all UN
Missions in the General Assembly on SDG Regional Groups to strengthen gender
equitable conflict prevention and peace-building in the SDGs. More than 50
organizations from all around the world have now provided their endorsements. The letter encourages building on human rights law and a
number of women’s rights frameworks ensuring that all discussions are gender
sensitive and that States are made accountable if not upholding women’s rights,
including carrying out gender budgeting, an area of which Soroptimist
International addresses in its Official Written Statement for this year’s CSW 58.

This week in New York is the commencement of the 52nd
Session of the Commission for Social Development (cSocD) Feb 11 – 21.  The priority theme to be tackled: "Promoting empowerment of people in achieving poverty eradication, social integration and full employment and decent work for all".  SI’s UN Representatives in New York are currently in attendance bringing SI’s expert voice on education and empowerment to the table.

On February 10, a Civil Society Forum took place to
prepare civil society participants for the above Commission on
the empowerment for inclusive and transformative development.  SI’s NY reps reported that a strong recommendation of the forum was
“Leave no one behind”. This recommendation exists as an effort to eradicate poverty and move forward with the
post 2015 development agenda. Civil
society groups must now  continue to foster global partnerships, to ensure that governments find
the political will to achieve this agenda.   

United Nations has long held empowerment at the core of its development
efforts, but the 52nd Commission will make history in explicitly and
specifically targeting the issue. During the session, the Commission is
expected to adopt for the first time in the United Nations History a
resolution on empowerment of people in the context of social

The Session will allow
Soroptimist International and other civil society organizations to
engage in a dialogue on policies and strategies that
effectively promote empowerment and its role in facilitating other
social development goals. This dialogue aims to inform national and
international policy debates, including the ongoing debates on the
post-2015 international development agenda and the future sustainable
development goals.


 Read SI’s Position Statement on the Post 2015 Development Agenda. 






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