Opening Doors Progress Report: Paraguay Sport Centre

Beginning in June 2023 and running continuously for several months now, we are stepping into the latter stages of our collaboration with Fundacion Moises Bertoni (FMB) in Paraguay, as part of the SI President’s Appeal 2021 – 2023: Opening Doors to a Bright Future. This appeal, headed by SI President, Maureen Maguire, is part of the Soroptimist International Foundation and has seen projects established in each of the five Soroptimist Federations.

‘Opening Doors to a Bright Future’ has a strong focus on education, recognising its capacity to deliver tangible improvements to the lives of women and girls, driving sustainable development, peace and equality.

Our partnership with FMB has given wings to a vision aimed at creating positive change for indigenous girls living in the shadows of poverty within the Mbaracayu Education Centre, based in the Mbaracayu natural forest reserve; this boarding school not only offers technical degrees in Environmental Science, but also focuses on a ‘learning by doing’ methodology to educate, empower and enable young minds to become powerful entrepreneurs capable of driving sustainable change in their communities.

Earlier this year, we proudly shared the launch of this project, which centres on the construction of a sports centre at the Mbaracayu Education Centre and the implementation of a specially designed sports development program. Spearheaded by a Sports and Exercise Science Teacher, this program aims to train 120 girls in various aspects, including gender violence prevention, self-esteem, self-confidence, collaboration, nutrition, and values. Beyond the walls of the center, the project extends its reach with a Youth Environmental Camp, fostering gender equality awareness and environmental stewardship.

Project Objectives

This instalment of the SI President’s Appeal in Paraguay responds to a number of critical challenges – challenges faced by women and girls living within Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve and surrounding communities.

It first tackles the isolation faced by rural and indigenous youth, offering access to recreational sports as a tool for development and wellness promotion.

Simultaneously, the project aims to empower young women and youth to become environmental leaders, addressing a crucial need for new skills and change agents.

Direct beneficiaries include 120 students (15-18 years) at the Mbaracayú Educational Center and 40 participants (17-21 years) in the Annual Environmental Camp. This concise approach underlines the initiative’s impactful strides in holistic youth development.

Sport and Exercise: Nurturing Holistic Development

The emphasis on physical education in this project stems from its pivotal role in developing and maintaining the psychophysical health of children and young people. Physical education becomes a powerful tool for social interaction, enabling the expression of emotions within a wholesome environment; furthermore, physical education is instrumental in promoting the acquisition of knowledge, procedures, attitudes and habits related to physical activity.

These pursuits not only cater to the demands of the youth but also serve educational purposes, enhancing motor skills, instilling values, and addressing varied interests and abilities. Sports are acknowledged for their positive influence on the psychophysical health of the youth, acting as a means of social integration and a preventive measure against modern life’s detrimental influences.

Celebrating Progress

As we stride forward in our collaboration with FMB, we’re excited to share the remarkable progress made toward our proposed objectives for this project.

Workshop on sports as a career

Empowering Physical Activity and Skills through Sports

Our vision of constructing a sports centre at the Mbaracayu Educational Center is steadily materialising. Despite encountering unforeseen challenges, such as a steep slope in the project area, the project team has united the community of students, parents, teachers and educators in fundraising efforts. As of now, FMB have successfully gathered $(PYG)11,500,000 (Paraguay Guarani) (£1233), setting the stage for groundbreaking in November 2023, with completion expected by January 2024. This collaborative effort showcases the unwavering commitment of parents, teachers, and the educational community.

On top of this, as a result of project activities, students have already been equipped with sports clothing and provided with essential equipment. The Sports and Exercise Sciences Teacher has been crafting a dynamic workplan, bringing theoretical and practical sports activities to life on a weekly basis. Furthermore, workshops led by sports experts have delved into crucial topics such as gender-based violence, self-esteem, and collaboration.

Workshop on gender violence

Reducing Opportunity Gaps and Fostering Awareness

The project team’s commitment to reducing opportunity gaps in rural areas is evident in their participation in local sports tournaments, including the zonal student Olympics and, most importantly in the National Student Games, where they have participated for the first time. Furthermore, spurred by the success of these early project activities, an upcoming communication campaign, slated for implementation between November 2023 and April 2024, aims to leverage the power of sports to raise awareness on gender violence, equality, and overall well-being.

Shaping Environmental Leaders

The heartbeat of FMB’s environmental focus is the Youth Environmental Camp, held at the Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve. The second camp in September 2023 gathered 38 participants aged 17-21 from diverse corners of Paraguay. Immersed in topics ranging from climate change to agrometeorology, the camp garnered a resounding “Very Good” evaluation from 93.3% of participants.

As we navigate challenges and celebrate victories, our journey is a testament to the collective spirit propelling the presence of  “Opening Doors to a Bright Future” in Paraguay. The story unfolds, promising a future where empowerment, awareness, and environmental leadership reign supreme.

For further insight into our partnership with Fundacion Moises Bertoni, check out their full summary presentation of the project so far.





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