SI Nordic Days – Using it without Losing it

A blog by Hafdis Karlsdottir, SI Iceland, Mariet Verhoef-Cohen, SI President and Marlène van Benthem, SI the Netherlands. "This year the Nordic Days were held in the beautiful Icelandic town of Akureyri on 22-23 June, with the theme ‘Our Environment and Energy – Using it without Losing it'. Linking Energy,

CSW62 Consultation Day

The NGO CSW Forum Consultation Day was held on 11 March 2018. The purpose of NGO CSW Forum Consultation Day is to set the stage for the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meetings (12-23 March 2018) and facilitate interactions between participants. A blog by Christine Johnstone "What

Sharon Fisher announced SI President Elect

Soroptimist International President Mariet Verhoef-Cohen: “It gives me great pleasure to announce Sharon Fisher, as the new SI President Elect. Sharon will bring a wealth of experience to Soroptimist International and I am looking forward to working together with her.  Commencing her duties on our new SI Board from 1

SI President’s Message: Wishing you a peaceful and successful 2018

At this time of year, we pause and reflect on the challenges and successes of a year gone by, and look forward to the opportunities and promise of the future. "Soroptimists strive for the advancement of women, human rights for all, gender equality, development and peace; all this in the


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