UN Security Council and COVID–19

A blog by Pat Black Soroptimist International supports all activities which work towards achieving SDG 16, promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development. However, we do not hear of the work of the UN Security Council very often. I was invited recently through National Alliance of Women's Organisations (NAWO) UK,

Soroptimists staying connected across the globe

A blog by SI Director Dawn Marie Lemonds Last week Soroptimist International (SI) of Salisbury- a club chartered in the United Kingdom just last year, invited me and to attend its club meeting using the Zoom online platform and what a wonderful experience we had! How fascinating it was to

Key Priorities in Education

Blog by Evelyne Para, SI UN Representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). "During the working meeting organised on 10 March 2020 at UNESCO, by Marie-Claude Machon-Honore (Chairperson of the Liaison Committee of NGOs in partnership with UNESCO), interesting exchanges allowed several members of Civil Society

Soroptimists at Work Human Trafficking and the 5P’s

Human Trafficking Conference in California 6 and 7 March Five "P"s to focus on…Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, Partnerships, Policy”- Soroptimists at work! A blog by Dawn Marie Lemonds, SI Director Awareness, Advocacy, and Action continue to be the cornerstone of our mission.  Soroptimists in southern California supported the 14th Annual Ensure

25 years since the Copenhagen Declaration and Program for Action – a vision and commitment still valid today

A blog by Linda Witong, Special Advisor to Advocacy "Twenty-five years ago, 186 countries gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark for the World Summit for Social Development (WSSD), joined by 2,300 representatives from 811 non-governmental organisations and created the Copenhagen Declaration and Program for Action. This year marks the 25th anniversary of

SI President

SI PRESIDENTSHARON FISHER 2019-2021 Sharon Fisher says: "It is my honour to serve Soroptimist International as we complete 100 years of global service. The value of any social movement is having everyone moving in the same direction toward common goals. The stories we can tell about our collective impact on

Soroptimists advocating for Gender Equality

Ulla Madsen, Soroptimist International Assistant Director Advocacy 2020-2021 reports from the International Conference on Gender Equality, Istanbul, Turkey. "It was with excitement that I received an invitation from President Melek Berkem to be a keynote speaker at the conference organised by SI Etiler Club 15 November 2019. My topic was

An Ethical Approach to Artificial Intelligence

A blog by Rina Dupriet, as she joined fellow SI UN Representative, Evelyne Para at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) event 'Youth Voices and the Future of Artificial Intelligence: Towards a Human-Centred Approach', in Paris. "The two panels were organised by UNESCO. The first panel was

Your Voice at the UN

This month's edition focuses on the Beijing +25 Regional Review Forum held in Geneva, 28-29 October. The forum gathered together Member States and Civil Society Actors to review progress made towards achieving gender equality across the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) region since the Beijing Declaration and Platform


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