Economic Empowerment and Gender Equality

The second week at CSW is usually less packed with parallel events. However, these important events continued to address crucial aspects for gender equality. I was especially interested in the aspect of economic empowerment. Improving and accelerating the economic empowerment of women leads to gender equality and the better status

Global Policy update July 2024

Written by Hana Smith, SI Global Policy Advisor We are already more than halfway through 2024! Here is a short round-up of some of Soroptimist International’s (SI) Global Policy and Advocacy work in recent months. United Nations  May:  SI submitted its Quadrennial Report to the United Nations (UN) Economic and

Our Voice at the UN

This edition focuses on recent developments in environmental and climate change policy. UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) Earlier this year, the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) made history as it delivered multiple landmark resolutions in environmental policy. The most significant moment was the adoption of the

Get Ready for the NGO/CSW Forum

What is the NGO Forum? NGO CSW/NY organises the civil society side of the UN Commission on the Status of Women and runs parallel to the official session taking place at the UN Headquarters in New York. This gives all of us the opportunity to engage in a multitude of


SI Voices SI Voices Podcasts & Webinars Podcasts & Webinars Informative, inspiring interviews and discussions in recognition of 100 years of Soroptimist International LEARN MORE LEARN MORE SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL IS A GLOBAL VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT Founded in 1921, Soroptimist International is a global volunteer movement with a network of just under


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