CSW65 Opening Session

Blog by Pat Black, SI Special Advisor to Advocacy Usually it isn’t  easy to get into the opening session of CSW. It is often held in the main United Nations (UN) General Assembly hall which is very impressive but there has in the past been a limitation on the number

CSW65 Consultation Day

Blog by Linda Witong, SI Advocacy Advisor. Upon attending the first virtual United Nations (UN) Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) event with thousands of other participants in both New York and Geneva, the message was clear. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic had rocked our world on its axis,

It’s in the Trees!

A round-up of just some of the projects taking place this year to build a greener future. SI Townsville Breakwater, Region: SI North Queensland, Australia. As Townsville is a City located in the tropics in the north of the Australian State of Queensland, it is a gateway to the Great

Human Rights During a Pandemic: Another Casuality

Special Advisor to Advocacy Linda Witong reports. "A new report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights [1] reveals how the current multifaceted COVID-19 crisis has both exposed and amplified the strong human rights inequalities that have existed between women or girls and race, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status,

What is Global Citizenship Education?

Blog by Evelyne Para, SI UN Representative at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). "As the international community experiences an unprecedented health crisis, and contemporary challenges threatening the rule of law are a source of growing concern for many societies around the world, we realise now that


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