URGENT: Governments must stand by existing commitments to womens rights! #CSW58

  As the 58th session of CSW enters its final day, Soroptimist International has expressed grave concern about the attempts by some governments to backtrack on existing agreements on women’s human rights. “We are asking all Soroptimists in Member States to contact their Government to encourage them to stay strong

Lobbying continues at #CSW58 – Caucuses, Co-ordination and Draft Conclusions

  Soroptimist International's week two delegates at CSW58, led by SIAPD Caroline Leach (front row, left). The delegation is much smaller this week. The Soroptimist week 2 delegation at the 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW58) continues to  lobby for the strongest possible outcome document

The World We Want for Girls

International Programme Director Hilary Ratcliffe brings us a SoroptiVoice Blog on an official UN side event at the Commission on the Status of Women 58 (CSW58) in New York on 12th March. Hosted by by World Association of Girl Guides and Girls Scouts (WAGGGs) with the United Nations Millennium Campaign,

Highlights from #CSW58 week 1 – new transparency, focus on standalone goal and men and boys, successful parallel events, Soroptimists meet Lakshmi Puri, and our largest ever delegation!

The 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women is approaching the half-way point. So how has it gone so far? “CSW 58 has been historic in many ways”, explains SI Head of Programme and Advocacy Reilly Dempsey. “We’ve seen SI’s first ever purpose-driven advocacy training for delegates,


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