Writing a new refugee story

The refugee crisis is a gender-based violence crisis. A brave community of refugee girls are using their stories to tell us why. An article by Anne K. Ream What does it mean to be a refugee today? In an era when borders are closing, nationalism is rising, and politicians and

When a journalist comes to call #16days

In June 2019 President-Elect, Sharon Fisher, Director of Advocacy, Bev Bucur, and SI United Nations New York Representative, Bette Levy, attended the Women Deliver Conference in Vancouver, Canada. Women Deliver is a leading global advocate for gender equality and the health, rights, and well-being of girls and women. 8,000 people

Human Trafficking #16Days

An article written by Dawn Marie Lemonds - SI Committee Chair and SI Board Director "In 1995 at the Beijing 4th World Conference, Human Slavery/Human Trafficking was seen as 'hardly an issue', and yet, the practice was viewed to be a priority for many Soroptimists already working in this area

The Power of Education

A blog by Rina Dupriet, SI UN Representative, following her attendance at the UNESCO panel discussion which introduced the 'UNESCO Strategy for Gender Equality in and Through Education 2019-2025'. "Education lies at the heart of 2030 Agenda. The UNESCO Assistant Director for Education said : “It is only through Education

8th Annual Girls Speak Out

By SI UN Representative, New York, Vanesa Treers “To be a refugee girl means that we are always constantly on the edge of eviction because we cannot afford to pay the rent on our house. I am afraid of the moment that we become homeless....... then I might well accept


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