Campaign Against Harmful Widow Practices

This week's SoroptiVoice blog comes from Nneka Chris-Asoluka - Programme Action Chairwoman of Nigeria. Nneka describes the work Soroptimist clubs in Nigeria do in order to eradicate degrading and harmful practices imposed upon widows.   Soroptimist  International of Nigeria Association has consistently condemned the wicked, malicious and injurious customary and

Tsunamika – a living symbol of resilience

In this week's SoroptiVoice blog, Nisha Ghosh, Programme Action Co-ordinator for SI Pune Metro East (India) writes about the Tsunamika project, which helped women in India to rebuild their lives after the devastating 2004 tsunami. A living symbol by Manoj She is a symbol, a living symbol with her own life.

Silvana Arbia awarded Soroptimist Peace Prize for promoting peace and justice in Rwanda

Silvana Arbia, International Criminal Court’s former Registrar, has been awarded the Peace Prize of Soroptimist International of Europe for her courageous role in building peace in Rwanda. The Italian Judge received her prize of €20,000 as well as the Peace Statute on the occasion of the Soroptimist European Congress on Sunday, 14 July 2013 in

SIE Berlin Congress: Soroptimists go for water and food

A special blog from the 20th Congress of Soroptimist International of Europe, 12-14 July 2013, by SI International Programme Director Hilary Ratcliffe. What an amazing experience being with Soroptimists from all over the world at the Congress in Berlin! It all started so well with a very special evening at

Soroptimists as Peacemakers and Gender Justice

This week's SoroptiVoice blog on the role of women in building a more peaceful world comes from Anusha Santhirasthipam, International Assistant Programme Director for Soroptimist International.   Image: Malaysian UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon (Credit: UN Photo/Pasqual Gorriz) There can be no real peace in this world until every woman and

A Bird Cannot Fly with One Wing – Celebrating 50 Years of Women in Space

Dora Vrdlovec is Soroptimist International's Lead Representative to the United Nations in Vienna. In this week's SoroptiVoice blog, she writes about celebrating 50 years of women in space, marking the contribution of pioneering women and looking forward to greater female participation in the future. Fifty years ago on 16 June 1963, cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova  made her historic

Setting up a Soroptimist International Africa Federation

In this week's blog, Chinwe Ezenwa-Mbah writes about the process of setting up a Soroptimist International African Federation to represent clubs on the continent. Chinwe has been a member of SI Surulere, Nigeria, since its charter in 1992. She is a Director without Portfolio of the SIGBI Federation and currently chairs the Taskforce on the Proposed SI Africa Federation. Originally

Shaping the world we want: Sustainable Development Goals after Rio+20

In last week's blog, Anusha Santhirasthipam, Soroptimist International Assistant Programme Director looked at how individual decisions on food waste can make a difference. This week, she writes about how we can promote sustainable development on a global level, by contributing to the debate on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Post-2015 Development Agenda.  A year ago, the Rio+20 UN Conference on


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