CSW63 – A Life-Changing Adventure!

A blog by Sue Simpson –SI of Oceanside-Carlsbad  "Our adventure in NYC at the CSW63 began Saturday March 9th, meeting SIOC friendship links club SI Kisumu’s member Dolphine Anyango.  Dophine, Teri, Sue and Michelle became fast friends on an amazing adventure in NYC advocating for the advancement of women and

SI President’s Appeal tackles Sustainable Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in 2015 by all United Nations Member States, provides a shared blueprint for future peace and prosperity for people and the planet. The Agenda centres around seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), an urgent call for action by all countries in a global partnership. Photo:

World Soil Day – Nature-Based Solutions

On World Soil Day, 5 December 2018, SI President Mariet Verhoef-Cohen spoke at the event 'Nature-Based Solutions for land, soil and water management; a new paradigm for sustainable agricultural development' organised by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG), at the

Soroptimist Midwestern Region – true #WWLSoroptimists

by SI Advocacy Director Bev Bucur During my first year as a Soroptimist, in 1993, I had the opportunity to meet three remarkable women, Marie-Jeanne Bosia-Bererat (Switzerland) then the incoming President of Soroptimist International, Anne Farrington (New Zealand) Soroptimist International Treasurer, and Dr. Jeannine Jacquemin, United Nations Education Scientific and

International Day of Peace

The theme for the forthcoming International Day of Peace 2018 is “The Right to Peace - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70”   António Guterres (UN Secretary-General) -


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