How does Combatting Climate Change Benefit Women and Girls?

Mitigating the effects of climate changeis a key pillar of sustainable development. However, often the effects that climate change has on women and girls is not fully recognised. In this SoroptiVoice Blog, SI UN Representative to the UN's Environment Agency, Alice Odingo,discusses why climate change is such an important issue

Women have to be Involved in the Fight against Climate Change

SI UN Representative Rina Dupriet attended the Paris Climate Conference, otherwise known as COP21, on behalf of Soroptimist International. Throughout the talks, Rina observed that the views and experiences of women were not being properly represented. In this blog, she shares her ideas on why it is vital that women

UN Climate Change Summit: Soroptimists Take Action!

Soroptimists, NGOs and individuals join together at the People's Climate March. Their united voice calls on country leaders to take action against climate change at this week's UN Climate Summit.  UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is hosting a Climate Summit today, to engage global leaders and to advance action on

Women, the Environment, Climate change and Disasters

5th June is World Environment Day,  a key day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment. To mark this occasion, this week's blog comes from one of Soroptimist International's Representatives to the UN Environment Programme in Nairobi, Dr Alice Odingo. A Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography

Food Systems Facing Climate Change – Creating Impact

Our last two news articles addressed the first two days at the CFS 39, held at the FAO, Rome. Centred around the HLPE (High Level Panel Experts) report on Food Security and Climate Change, various meetings took place in assessment of the new documentation. Soroptimist International made it clear that

Our Voice at the United Nations – Nairobi, UNCSC

Our Voice at the United Nations – Nairobi, UNCSC The United Nations Civil Society Conference (UNCSC) 2024, held in Nairobi from May 9 – 10 2024, is a significant annual event organised by the UN Department of Global Communications (DGC) in collaboration with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). The conference provides

UNCSC 2024: A Crucial Platform for Global Dialogue

Blog of Habiba Alambo, SI UN Representative in Nairobi. The UN Civil Society Conference (UNCSC) 2024, held in Nairobi, stands as a key event organised by the United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC) in collaboration with civil society organisations (CSOs). This annual conference provides a platform for diverse civil


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