Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) are an opportunity to increase political will and determination to implement a truly ambitious Post-2015 Agenda, that addresses the fundamental inequalities between peoples. The SDGs are 17 global goals and the targets within them and include commitments to eliminate gender-based violence, eradicate human trafficking, ensure


The United Nations Office in Nairobi focuses on environmental issues, and covers the work of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). SI’s UN Representatives in Nairobi focus on issues such as rural women, disaster risk reduction, and the effects of climate change on women and girls. The United Nations Human Settlements


Established in 1947, with its headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is the regional development arm of the United Nations for the Asia-Pacific region. With 53 Member States and 9 Associate Members, the region is home to 4.6 billion

SI at the United Nations

SI at the United Nations New York As the United Nations headquarters and home to the General Assembly, all areas of the UN’s work are discussed in New York. The Centre is also the headquarters of UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

The challenges that nature poses to humans, and humans pose to nature

UN Representative to Rome, Liliana Mosca, attended the 43rd session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), which took place in Rome from 17-21 October, one day after World Food Day, 16 October. The objective of the CFS is ‘to improve the food security and nutrition of populations affected

Reflection on the second session of the United Nations Environmental Assembly

From 20-21 September, Soroptimist International UN Representatives at Nairobi, Dr. Alice Odingo and Rose Mwangi attended a workshop, ‘Reflection on the second session of the United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA 2) outcomes and climate change adaptation through a multi stakeholder approach: Post UNEA 2 workshop for East and Southern Africa’

66th UN DPI / NGO Conference 2016

“Education for Global Citizenship”. "This is the first time the UN DPI/ NGO Conference has been held in Asia and it is appropriate to have it in Korea, Ban-Ki Moon’s home country, as he ends his very successful term as Secretary General. Korea is a country that has embraced education

SI South West Pacific Best Practice Awards 2015-16

At the recent SISWP Conference of Clubs the following clubs were recognised for their excellence in planning, administering and evaluating a project to transform lives for women and girls around the Federation. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees.  For Goal 1 Objective 1: SI Penang for their Education Fund

SI President visits Soroptimists in Singapore

by Soroptimist International President, Yvonne Simpson “There are two active Soroptimist clubs in Singapore and I was fortunate to spend quality time with both. On Saturday 23 April I joined Soroptimists from SI Singapore and visited its project supporting the Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (Home). The law states that


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