Disasters: From vulnerability to resilience and recovery

Disasters:  From vulnerability to resilience and recovery The winds are picking up and the sea appears increasingly angry. What is coming?  Does your community know? Have your local leaders a plan for such a situation? Yes? Then you will probably survive. No? Then you are likely to be among the

Disasters: From Vulnerability to Resilience and Recovery

by Di Lockwood SISWP Federation Programme Director "The winds are picking up and the sea appears increasingly angry. What is coming?  Does your community know? Have your local leaders a plan for such a situation? Yes? Then you will probably survive. No? Then you are likely to be among the

16 days – Day Six: Displacement

"Displacement remains arguably the most significant humanitarian challenge that we face.” United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon When women and girls are displaced, they live without shelter, sanitation, security, access to resources and services like education and healthcare, and without their support networks. All of these things are considered to be

SI Contributes to the Asia and Pacific Review of Beijing+20

Between the 14 – 20 November, South West Pacific Federation Programme Director Dianne Lockwood attended the UNESCAP regional review on Beijing+20 and the preceding civil society forum in Bangkok. Over 400 delegates from a diverse range of organisations attended the meetings. Photo: South West Pacific Federation Programme Director, Dianne Lockwood,

Advocacy Roundup: SI UN Reps Help Give a Global Voice to Women and Girls

NGO-UNESCO Forum on Access to Water for All – Soroptimists give a global voice to women! At an NGO- UNESCO Forum on access for water for all, Soroptimists were out in force! Marie-Christine Gries de La Barbelais, one of SI’s UN Representatives in Paris, was heavily involved in organising the

Influencing the Action Agenda for 2015 and beyond: SI at UN DPI/NGO Conference

This article was originally published on 22 August 2014 and updated on 26 August 2014 Image: Past President Alice Wells and President Ann Garvie at NGO/DPI A Soroptimist International delegation is attending the 65th Annual United Nations Conference for Non-Governmental Organizations this week to push for a Post-2015 development agenda

In pictures: Soroptimist clubs in action around the world!

See some of the latest Soroptimist International club projects to educate, empower and enable opportunities for women and girls around the world in this round up of actions reported in June 2014.  View the slideshow below (or see on Flickr here) and read more in the descriptions below.  SI Mackay

SI at UN Disaster Management Summit: Empowering women for a more resilient future

   Soroptimist International UN Representative Dr Alice Odingo has been attending the latest high level UN forum on disaster management in Abuja, Nigeria to underline the urgent and growing need to reduce the devastating and disproportionate impact of disasters on women and children worldwide particularly as these catastrophic events are


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