World Environment Day: June 5th

World Environment Day is only 2 weeks away. As the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) draws ever closer (June 20-22), the need to press our international decision makers to take decisive steps to ensure sustainable development, safeguard the environment and to promote equitable use of resources has never been

UN Crime Commission: The Forgotten Children

The SI UN Vienna Representatives report back from the UN Crime Commission The Forgotten Children   Many of the side events which took place during the recent session of the Crime Commission were on the children of incarcerated parents. These side events, together with the many papers that were presented,

Women's Major Group Delivers UN Statement as Rio+20 Draws Closer

Soroptimist International is an active member of the Women's Major Stakeholder Group for the forthcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development - Rio+20. The below statement was given at the ECOSOC on May 3rd. Women’s Major Group Statement United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 3 May 2012 Vice President of

If Rio+20 Is To Deliver, Accountability Must Be At Its Heart

Press Release: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights In an open letter to world Governments, a group of 22 UN independent human rights experts called on States to incorporate universally agreed international human rights norms and standards with strong accountability mechanisms into the UN Rio+20 sustainable development conference’s

A Milestone towards A Future SI African Federation

SIE President Kathy Kaaf reports back from the Conference on the Proposed SI African Federation which took place in  Nairobi, Kenya, 22nd – 24th March 2012. "Kenya Strikes Oil“ was the headline of the “Daily Nation” on Tuesday 27th March when SIE President-Elect Ulla Madsen, SIE Vice President Christine Peer

Soroptimists Add £25,000 to Project SIerra

Soroptimist International is delighted to announce that an additional £25,700 has been raised by Soroptimists towards Project SIerra! This was SI's quadrennial project (2007-2011) in Sierra Leone, carried out in partnership with Hope and Homes for Children. In 2003 Sierra Leone celebrated its first year of peace in over a


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