Household Air Pollution, A Gender Issue

SI UN Representative, Mary Muia blogs from Nairobi about the effects of household air pollution and the need to empower communities and encourage policy makers to heighten their awareness and ensure their commitment to reducing this common health hazard. "Millions of women cook on stoves or fires that fill the

Working Towards a Global Pact for the Environment

The Third Session towards a Global Pact for the Environment was held on 20-22 May, Nairobi, Kenya. SI UN Representative, Beatrice Olouch was in attendance. "The conference was well attended by Member States delegations. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, and those that are accredited

Women’s Leadership in Disaster Risk Reduction

SI advocates for women's leadership in the planning and implementation of disaster risk reduction plans worldwide. This month, SI United Nations Representatives Kristin Reynisdottir, Stacy Ciulik and Berthe De Vos attended the 'Women's Leadership in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)' Session at the 6th Global Platform of DRR, Geneva. This session

Where are All the Women?

A blog by Theresa W. Devasahayam, SI UN Representative for Bangkok and Past President, Soroptimist International of Singapore (SIS) "According to the Global Gender Gap Report, the world has closed 68 percent of its gender gap.1 The 21st century has seen women making significant headway especially in the areas of

Global Warming and Geoengineering

A blog by Beatrice Oluoch, SI UN Representative, Nairobi "A pre-UNEA 4 event, hosted by The Carnegie Climate Engineering Governance Initiative (C2G2), was held on 6 March 2019. The topic for discussion was Learning to govern geoengineering: insights from different experiences on environmental governance. When I first looked at the

Equality in Law for Women and girls

A blog by Dr. Nina Smart Equality In Law For Women and Girls by 2030: A MultiStakeholder Strategy for Accelerated Action - a high-level event addressing the legal needs of over 50 million women and girls. "I was fortunate to attend this important side event at CSW63, led by Executive Director

Post CSW63 – the Agreed Conclusions

A blog by Pat Black "The flowers are out in Central Park and New York continues its daily round, buzzing and frenetic. At the UN all is relatively quiet and ordered again, the thousands of women who have been there for two weeks for the Commission on the Status of


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