UNEA-6: All Roads Lead to Nairobi, Kenya

Blog of Mary Muia and Dr Victoria Kutto, SI UNEA Representatives in Nairobi. The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) was first established in June 2012 as a result of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20. The outcome document drafted for this first session and titled

International Day of Education: The Annual Gladwyn Lecture

Blog of Pat Dale MBE, S.I. Representative to the Commonwealth On 25 January 2024, to commemorate the International Day of Education, the Annual Gladwyn lecture was organised to celebrate the theme of “Learning for lasting Peace.” The Annual Gladwyn lecture is organised by the Council of Education in the Commonwealth

UNESCO General Conference: Ivory Coast Side Event

Blog of Marie-Christine Gries, SI UN Representative at UNESCO. A Coalition to Make Girls’ Voices Heard  In 2015, Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 by 2030 seemed unlikely with 130 million children out of school, over 60% of whom were girls, excluded from the school curriculum (due to non-enrolment and dropping

Hunger Hotspots and early warnings on acute food insecurity

Blog of Liliana Mosca, SI UN Representative to the FAO, Rome  The FAO-WFP last report: Hunger Hotspots and early warnings on acute food insecurity, June to November 2023 outlook According to the report 'Hunger Hotspots FAO‑WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity”” jointly published on May 29, by the Food

Restore A Sense of I Can – Trinidad and Tobago

Restore a sense of I Can  The SI Presidents Appeal for 2021 – 2023, ‘Opening Doors to a Bright Future’ announces our collaboration with ‘Restore a Sense of I Can’ (RSC) for the fourth project instalment. Having initially started at the beginning of this year, the RSC and SI President’s

Is it Possible to End Hunger by 2030?

Blog of Liliana Mosca, SI UN Representative at the FAO, Rome. There are 8 years left to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the world is taking steps backward from ending hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition in all its forms. Several factors, including conflict, economic shocks and stagnation, a lack


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