The Lost Children

SI President Yvonne Simpson and SIE Immediate Past President Ulla Madsen report. At the 26th Session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice 2017, UN Vienna May 25, 2017, SIE Immediate Past President, Ulla Madsen was panellist at the side event, ‘The Lost Children - Safeguarding unaccompanied migrant

Entrance of Gender Issues into Global Environmental Development Agenda

By  Alice Odingo, SI UN Representative to UN Environment, Women Major Group (WMG) Alternate Facilitating Committee member and NGO Major Group Organizing Partner, Global South. "There are many definitions of the term environment. One such definition is “The external physical, biological and socio-economic conditions influencing the growth and development of

President’s Post: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in Prisons

This was the topic of one of the close to 100 side events during the 26th session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, held at the Vienna International Centre from 22 – 26 June, 2017. The event highlighted the importance of ensuring access to effective measures for 

Educate to Lead: Nepal and the Women and Girls Education Project

The Australian Himalayan Foundation's, (AHF) Women and Girls Education Project (WGEP) in the remote disadvantaged region of the Lower SoluKhumbu region of Nepal, supported by the Soroptimist International President’s Appeal, was set up to provide educational opportunities for women and girls to help them rebuild their lives following the devastating

CSW61 NGO Forum Consultation Day Breakout Group Report

As part of the CSW61 NGO Consultation Day organised by the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY (NGO CSW/NY) on 12 March 2017, attendees broke out for discussions into five groups: Ending All Forms of Forced Labour (Modern-day Slavery, Early Marriage, Trafficking),  Envisioning a Feminist Internet, Creating Equalities of

A Closer Look at Leadership – the first in a series introduced by Ulla Madsen, Chair of the SI Leadership Development Committee

Immediate Past President of Soroptimist International of Europe and Chair of the SI Leadership Development Committee (LDC), Ulla Madsen, introduces the first in a series of video interviews with SI Directors, Officers and UN Representatives, with the aim of increasing awareness of the work of SI and the SI leadership

Transformative Leadership and Women in Water Diplomacy CSW61

‘Inclusive and Transformative Leadership for Women’s Economic Empowerment’ was expected to take place on Tuesday 14 March at 10:30am, however the snow storm and subsequent cancellation of events that day, meant that the event was rescheduled for 17 March. Inclusive & Transformative Leadership for Women’s Economic Empowerment Leadership must be


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