SI at the ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2023

Blog of Vanesa Treers, SI UN Representative at UNHQ, New York The 2023 Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Partnership Forum took place recently on 31 January 2023 at the United Nations Headquarters (UNHQ) in New York. At the start of each year, the Partnership Forum serves as an opportunity for
photo of SI UN Representative, Liliana Mosca alongside SI logo on blue background

Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Liliana Mosca, SI Representative to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), blogs about global progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger. "According to the new report 'The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World' (SOFI)*, people suffering from hunger worldwide were 828 million in
Blue background white text. Text reads " Sustainable Development and Gender Equality a blog by Francesca Fletcher Williams, SI Global Policy Advisor". Photo of Author next to SI logo.

Sustainable Development and Gender Equality

SI's Global Policy Advisor, Francesca Fletcher Williams blogs about the current progress made towards Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG5) on Gender Equality. "It is now the second time the UN’s High-Level Political Forum has reviewed progress towards achieving SDG5 on gender equality. Under the broad banner “achieve gender equality and
Mary Muia

Living in Harmony with Nature

Blog by Mary Muia, SI UN Rep Nairobi Centre. "Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and held annually on 5 June since 1973, World Environment Day is the largest global platform for environmental public outreach and is celebrated by millions of people across the world.  Also called “The

Our Voice at the UN – Vienna

Linda Witong, SI Advocacy Advisor, updates us on the key issues addressed at the Thirty-First Session of the Commission of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ 31). “CCPCJ 31 began at the United Nations in Vienna on May 16, 2022, on a cloudy and rainy day and ended on May

Our Voice at the UN

This edition focuses on recent developments in environmental and climate change policy. UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) Earlier this year, the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) made history as it delivered multiple landmark resolutions in environmental policy. The most significant moment was the adoption of the

Opening Doors to a Bright Future

Blog by Helen Harvey. "This was my first time attending a Commission for the Status of Women Event. The knock-on effect of Covid has meant that some events are now accessible online. I was apprehensive when asked to speak myself, but also pleased to have the chance to highlight one


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