Slideshow – SI clubs in action!

Life-coaching in Iceland, school stationery in Madagascar, condoms in Kenya and books in Trinidad and Tobago; here are pictures of just a few of the recently-reported actions that Soroptimists have taken around the world to educate, empower and enable women and girls.  You can read more about the projects below.  

90000 Voices for Women's Rights: Human Rights Day 2012

Women are still deprived of their human rights in so many places: denied an education, safe childbirth, a life free of violence .  SI continues to fight for human rights for all at grassroots, national and international level – standing up for Malala and girls’ education, improving healthcare for women

Nobel Peace Prize Nomination for Esther Madudu.

As we know the importance of midwives and their ability to work effectively and safely is paramount to the lives of mothers and their babies all over the world. The current Soroptimist International Birthing in the Pacific Programme in Papua New Guinea is a prime example of this. In Africa,

The President's Appeal Project – Birthing in the Pacific

With its first year almost at an end we wanted to provide you with an update on our December 10th Appeal, Birthing in the Pacific (BIP). This project was set up in order to increase access to both skilled birth attendants and functioning health care services in Papua New Guinea

Visit to All China Women's Federation – Beijing 2012

  This weeks SoroptiVoice blog comes from Leigh Ellwood-Brown, SI Organisational Development Committee Chair. Leigh talks about a recent trip to Beijing, a trip which was historically relevant and shows the great relationships that SI build with other women's organisations around the world. To keep our contact and connection with the All China Women’s Federation,


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