Generation Equality Forum: Feminism in the Context of the Environmental Crisis and the Climate Emergency

Blog by Linda Witong, SI Special Advisor to Advocacy. We have all witnessed the acceleration of environmental degradation and the increasing frequency, duration and intensity of extreme weather and climate events. We have been told that excessive or insufficient precipitation, rising sea levels, extreme temperature changes, and other climate hazards

Our Voice at the UN – Paris

This edition introduces SI’s advocacy efforts at the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). The United Nations (UN) Agency in Paris is the home of UNESCO, where Soroptimist International has three UN representatives, Marie-Christine Gries, Evelyne Para, and Rina Dupriet, whose work and expertise covers the role of

The Road to Equality: Preparing Women and Girls to Lead – CSW Parallel Event

Blog by SI Advocacy Coordinator, Hannah Agius. “It was a pleasure to join Soroptimist International (SI) President Sharon and the SI Advocacy Team as they hosted the Soroptimist International CSW65 Parallel Event, ‘The Road to Equality: Preparing Women and Girls to Lead’. Representatives from the five Federations demonstrated how this

Virtual Townhall CSW65 Meeting with UN Secretary-General, António Guterres

Blog by Francesca Fletcher Williams, SI Global Policy Coordinator 16 March 2021 saw civil society representatives virtually meet with United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres to share their opinions and to ask him questions about gender equality and the impacts of COVID-19. The UN is often criticised for being “a


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