Post CSW Advocacy Action Kit!

Disappointingly, the 56th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women failed to adopt agreed conclusions. As a result of this outcome, Soroptimist International, together with partner women's rights organisations signed a statement to discourage any re-opening of negotiations on the already established international agreements on women’s rights.

Trafficking and Tourism – Breaking the Link

Soroptimist International's UN Vienna Representatives report back from the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice for a second time - this time, they focus on the importance of responsible and ethical tourism if we are to see a global reduction in trafficking and sexual exploitation.  At the 21st session

SI President Visits Papua New Guinea

Last week, SI President Alice Wells returned from a trip to Papua New Guinea, the location of the current December 10th Appeal: Birthing in the Pacific. She reports back from her visit.  Here we are, in 2012, with all the wonders of modern medicine and yet there are still more

UNESCO Future Forum: Global Water Futures 2050+

SI UNESCO Representative Dominique Mertz reports back from the Global Water Futures Forum. By 2025, an estimated 60 percent of the world’s population will live in “water-stressed” conditions. Securing access to safe drinking water (MDG 7) for all and managing this limited resource is therefore a high priority on the

If Rio+20 Is To Deliver, Accountability Must Be At Its Heart

Press Release: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights In an open letter to world Governments, a group of 22 UN independent human rights experts called on States to incorporate universally agreed international human rights norms and standards with strong accountability mechanisms into the UN Rio+20 sustainable development conference’s

SI of Los Angeles Celebrates 90 Years!

This week's SoroptiVoice blog comes from Julie Mairs of SI Los Angeles (SIA). This year, her club celebrates 90 years! As the third Soroptimist club ever, chartered in 1922,  they certainly have a lot to celebrate! I am sure you will all join with SIHQ in sending the club many


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