SI Delivers Oral Statement at ECOSOC High Level Segment

SI UN Representative to Geneva reports back from the recent ECOSOC High Level Segment which closed On July 7th. There are only 4 ½ years to 2015 when the internationally agreed MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) should be reached. Because of this, the recent meeting of ECOSOC dealt with many aspects

New SI Programme Goals and Objectives Agreed!

Soroptimist International is delighted to announce that the new programme goals and objectives for the 2011-2015 quadrennium have been publish! At the Saturday session of the SI Board Meeting, 9th July, we welcomed Programme Voting Delegates (PVDs) from all over the world to discuss and develop the new programme goals

SI Reports from UNESCO Executive Board – International Migration

The Executive Board’s Committee on International Non-Governmental Organizations held four meetings on 5 and 6 May 2011 to examine the “Relations with International Non-Governmental Organizations, Foundations and Similar Institutions”. The meetings were attended by 23 States Members of the Committee and 70 international non-governmental organizations. In his statement, Mr Eric

Breakthrough at the UN: Better conditions for domestic workers

At the 100th Session of the International Labour Organisation in Geneva, the Convention on Domestic workers and the accompanying recommendation were adopted (June 2011) . Only last year the missing rights of a great majority of domestic workers had been widely discussed and  it was decided to proceed with the

UN Year of Youth

"Youth should be given a chance to take an active part in the decision-making of local, national and global levels."  United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. In an effort to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world’s youth in overcoming the challenges facing humankind, the United Nations proclaimed an

Project SIerra Quarterly Report: January – March 2011

Project SIerra have published their quarterly report from January 2011 – March 2011.  The report explores each of the programmes which comprise Project SIerra, detailing the latest developments and the impact your fundraising is having. Young Mother Support (in Bo) The project works with 104 young mothers and 58 babies,


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