The Hunger Map

Our Voice at the UN

Rome The United Nations (UN) office in Rome is the seat of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). These UN agencies share the common goal of eradicating hunger through food assistance and they work to eliminate

UNESCO’s Regional Expert Consultations Against Gender Stereotypes

Blog by Marie-Christine Griers, SI UN Representative, Paris On 11 January, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture Organisation (UNESCO) held the first edition in its webinar series, 'Regional Expert Consultations against Gender Stereotypes'. Targeted at decision-makers, academic and scientific communities, NGOs and civil society, the discussion in this first

Women and Health

In a continuation of the SI series of blogs on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action we discuss the gains and losses seen in women’s health. “The right to the highest attainable standard of health is broadly recognised as a fundamental human right. The Beijing Declaration and Platform for

Women and the Media

As part of a series of blogs on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, SI Advocacy Coordinator, Hannah Agius, discusses the subject of women and the media. “Twenty-five years ago, when the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was written, the term ‘’media’’ meant something different to what it

COVID-19 & Human Rights

Could the global lockdown be an ongoing loss of personal freedom? - this and other thoughts - a matter of reflection in the face of Human Rights Day. by Christine Peer-Valenta, SI representative UN Vienna, part of our series of blogs on the Beijing Platform for Action. Photo: Christine Peer

Women’s Leadership: Redesigning the Post COVID-19 Era

A blog by Helen Yang, Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA) “I was honoured to represent SIA Taiwan Region and participate in the LEAP (Leadership Acceleration Program) Workshop and Women's Leadership Webinar. Held in person and online, from 28 September to 1 October 2020, the workshop connected women around the

Addressing the “new normal” in education

Blog by Marie-Christine Gries, SI UN Representative in Paris. "Facing the COVID crisis at school, UNESCO has launched the Global Education Coalition to support countries in scaling up their best distance learning practices and reaching children and youth who are most at risk. Never before have we witnessed educational disruption


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