Water everywhere…..only if we share.

2013 is the International Year of Water Cooperation. UN Water have asked UNESCO to lead on this campaign in view of the organisation's mandate to pursue goals of peace and sustainable development, natural sciences, culture, education, communication and its longstanding programmes contributing to the management of the world’s freshwater resources.

Welcome to "Our House" – a Project of Excellence for women and children in Turkey

The "Our House" (Evimiz) project in the city of Izmir in Turkey was one of the Soroptimist International "Projects of Excellence" highlighted in the 2011 Global Impact Report. This week's SoroptiVoice blog is by Project Co-ordinator Yildiz Belger, a member of President of Goztepe Soroptimist Club since 1979, formerly Club President, Governor of SI/Turkey and SIE IGU

Empowerment and education for women in Pakistan and the UK

This week's SoroptiVoiceBlog comes from Talat Pasha, Past-President of Soroptimist International Karachi Central (Pakistan). She talks about the need to build women's confidence and encourage them to open their lives to new friends and learning opportunities, wherever they are in the world. Empowerment can be financial or emotional. Sometimes women

UN Women Recognise Outstanding Work of SI

On the 24th October, 2012, UN Women are holding an honorary event entitled 'Empowering Women for 25 years'. It will be the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Metro Chapter of the US National Committee for UN Women. The event will honour women and organisations who have, and are, making a

Population and Development: Empowering Women Through Choice

SI UN Representative Lois Beilin reports back from the Commission on Population and Development, taking place in New York this week. The Commission on Population and Development meeting at the United Nations in New York, April 23 – 27 has refocused attention on the International Conference for Population and Development


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