Pat Black International Director of Advocacy

International welcomes Pat Black as International Director of Advocacy


Photo: Pat Black taken at Harrogate Conference 2014

“This is an exciting and challenging new role for Soroptimist
International. I am very proud to be offered this opportunity to support
Soroptimists, giving a global voice to women and girls.

On a personal level I have been hooked on the power of Soroptimism since
first being introduced to it twenty years ago. 
It has taken me a long time to get to know its intricate structures, to understand
the differences which exist from club to Federation level.  But I do know that whoever we are, whatever
position we hold in life, or whichever issue we choose to highlight, we are all
working toward the same vision and mission. 
That for me is very empowering.

Some Soroptimists have very high level practical skills and are able to
be very direct and hands on in their approach to their Soroptimism.  Whilst I am more than willing to support
those Soroptimists, turning my hands to whatever I can, my strongest skills are
in working with words; in speaking up for the vulnerable and the challenged in
our societies.  I believe in the power of
education to enable people to change their lives in many different ways.   Across the Federations I have seen the
evidence of this happening through Soroptimist projects and activities.  In applying for this post and accepting it, I
hope that I will be able to continue to use my skills on behalf of Soroptimism
but also be able to support each Federation in their work.


Photo: Pat Black, CSW59

I look forward to developing a relationship with all our Federations to
continue to raise the profile of Soroptimist International and the outstanding
work which each and every member contributes to changing the lives of women and
girls.  In the leadership roles SIGBI has
offered me, I have been fortunate enough to see so much of this work first
hand.  I know that every local act of
service, every opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges which women and
girls face, will contribute to a world-wide movement to improve the lives of
women and girls for the better.


Photo: Pat Black, SIGBI Conference NewcastleGateshead, 2013 

Over the last few years we have seen many steps being taken forward, but
we are also living in a world where it is very easy for that progress to slide
backwards.  I see communication as an important part of this new role.  We are now living in a world of instant
communication; with new technologies which enable many to live better lives and
social media giving instant commentary on every part of our lives. I hope that
we look at ways in which it will be possible to use technology to enhance our
advocacy work. I have to confess that I am a regular user of Facebook and Twitter.  With more and more Soroptimist clubs
publicising their work on Facebook pages we can learn from each other very
quickly and pick up good ideas. We can also find out about activities of
partner organisations and UN agencies. 

2015 is a significant year for our world and its leaders representing
their countries at the UN Summit at the end of September.  All Governments will make a commitment to addressing
the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals.  It will be up to us, in partnership with
other NGOs and all parts of Civil Society, to hold them to account for the
promises they make.

Our team at the United Nations has worked hard to keep us informed while
the Sustainable Development Goals have been discussed and negotiated, and they
will continue to do so.  As each
Federation translates the Sustainable Development Goals into Awareness,
Advocacy and Action for the issues relevant to their country, region and locality,
each Soroptimist will be able to help educate, empower and enable women and
girls so that by 2030 we will be looking at a better world.

As Soroptimism approaches its centenary I am sure we are all grateful for
the platform which determined women have provided for women and girls
today.  I for one want to make sure we
build on that sound foundation.

International President Yvonne Simpson is delighted to welcome Pat Black as the Soroptimist International Director
of Advocacy, taking up her post today, 4 September 2015.

“Pat will lead our team to deliver Advocacy at our United Nations
meetings and other international forums. She will work closely with our team of
wonderful UN Representatives and the Federations to ensure we meet our mandate
as A Global Voice for Women. SI is focused on delivering advocacy and we are
especially pleased to have the skills and experience Pat brings to the role. I
am sure Soroptimists around the world will join me in welcoming Pat to the team.
Welcome, Pat!”
  Yvonne Simpson, International


“I have had the privilege to work with Pat Black firstly when I was
Federation President SIGBI and Pat was Region President of Soroptimist International
of Northern England. This continued during her role as Federation President and
mine as International president Elect and then President. It is ironic that
since Pat moved from Cumbria to Edinburgh she and I are members of the same
Region of Scotland South.

Pat has always been passionate about the fundamental requirement of the
activity which Soroptimist International should pursue through Club, Region,
Federation and International Programme and Advocacy work. She has illustrated in many forums her knowledge and lobbying skills,
reaching agreement at every level is a daunting process and one which requires
unstinting resolve, this is a critical skill required for the post of International
Advocacy Director.

I congratulate Pat upon her successful appointment, I wish her every
success and I ask every International Director, International Officer,
International Staff, United Nations Representatives and the global membership, to
support her initiatives in order that Soroptimist International achieves the
highest profile which enables our vision and mission to be attained globally
for the well being of women and girls, and ultimately civil society”.
Ann Garvie, Immediate Past President


“With endorsement from the International board for Soroptimist
International to drive Global Advocacy forward, championing gender equality for
women and girls, I am delighted Pat Black has been appointed IDA to head up
this vital strand of work. At SIHQ we look forward to welcoming Pat to the team
and working closely with her in the two years ahead”.
Deborah Thomas,
Global Executive Director





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