President’s Post: My thoughts are with all who are suffering

Dear Soroptimists around the world,

I write this from the World Water Week, Stockholm, where all 3,100 participants are following news of the terrible situation with heavy rain and storms in Texas and Louisiana in the USA and in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, South-Asia and more.

My sympathy goes out to all the families and friends affected by these horrific natural disasters. I know Soroptimists will provide support wherever possible. Sadly, the rains and flooding do not seem to be over yet. My thoughts are with you all.

It seems ironic that we are here in Stockholm discussing water scarcity, whilst water in abundance is meanwhile destroying lives, livelihoods, and homes on opposite sides of the globe. Yet addressing all water issues, including preventing floods and reducing their impact, is part of what the water experts gathered here see as their joint task.

My warm regards and Soroptimist greetings,

Mariet Verhoef-Cohen

President Soroptimist International



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