Pushing Forward With Our Work! A Successful Trip to Vienna!

This week’s SoroptiVoice Blog comes from International Programme Director Hilary Ratcliffe. 

‘Vienna city of the Blue Danube, opera
and art’, but is that why we are here? No, it is our representation at the United
Nations that has brought representatives from our centres in Europe together to
discuss issues and  ways forward. We met at the United Nations building and
worked hard making connections on behalf of Soroptimist

Firstly we met with Ms.Kirsti Pohjankukka, the First Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Finland. We talked with her about ways in which to energise connections with the
government delegations. We then had a most interesting meeting with
representatives from UNIDO. We shared with them projects via our representatives
in Nairobi where they work on our behalf with UNEP. The issue of solar energy and
empowerment of women was discussed with specific reference to a solar lantern
project undertaken by Soroptimists in Kenya. Great interest was shown by Alois Mhlanga,
the UNIDO member, with whom we shared our experiences.

Then onto meet with a
member of UNGIFT where we discussed issues surrounding trafficking of women and
migrant women. There were many similarities between the policy making section
and our on the ground experience in Soroptimist club projects. The UN experience
entirely dovetailing with our grass roots knowledge.

So was that all? No,
we then spent the weekend sharing and discussing how, what and where we can do 
work to improve our UN activities. We
talked about reporting, budgeting, and how we could work together more efficiently. Together we felt energised and better able to go forward to
represent our great movement as we seek to enable and empower women through our
education and leadership focus.

Sounds all very serious but how can you visit
Vienna without experiencing the friendship of local Soroptimists and the joys of
a wine stube!

So now onto Rome for the meeting of the FAO and sharing work
with our Rome UN representative Cinzia. Watch this space as more to




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