Share Your Dublin Convention Experience: Take Our Evaluation Survey!

We hope you had an amazing time at the recent Soroptimist International Convention in Dublin. Your presence made the event memorable, and now, we want to hear all about your experience. Help us make future Conventions even better by filling out our comprehensive evaluation survey.

Why Your Feedback Matters
Your feedback is invaluable to us. It provides insight into what worked well and what areas need improvement. By sharing your thoughts, you’re helping us create an even more spectacular event next time. Your opinions matter, and we genuinely want to hear them.

How to Participate
Participating in our evaluation survey is easy. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Click the Survey Link: Look for the survey link provided to you via email in the next few days.
2. Share Your Thoughts: Take a few minutes to fill out the survey honestly. We’re interested in your thoughts on everything from the venue and panel discussions to the food and overall atmosphere.

The deadline to complete the survey is 30 September 2023

Your Voice Matters
We can’t stress this enough – your opinions are the key to shaping the future of our Conventions. Whether you had a fantastic time or think there’s room for improvement, your feedback helps us raise the bar!

Share your thoughts, memories, and suggestions by taking our evaluation survey today. Together, we’ll make the next Convention an unforgettable experience.

Thank you for being a part of our incredible community, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!




  1. Lynne Chiswick 10 months ago 12 September 2023

    I have tried completing the Convention evaluation but there seems to be a problem when submitting as it is blocked by answers to the extra events section.
    I know someone else has had the same problem!

    • communications 10 months ago 13 September 2023

      The survey will be sent out via email in the coming days. Sorry about the confusion.

    • Mila freire-frey 10 months ago 15 September 2023

      Me too. Impossible to connect

  2. Liz Batten 10 months ago 12 September 2023

    Can’t get the survey to submit.

    • communications 10 months ago 13 September 2023

      The survey will be sent out via email in the coming days. Sorry about the confusion.


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