SI and Peace One Day Collaborate towards a Monumental Day of Peace!

This weeks Soroptivoice blog comes from Anna
McCormick, the new Programme Manager at SIHQ,
Cambridge. She has
recently been liaising with Jeremy Giles, founder of Peace One Day, with
regards to a collaboration between their organisation and Soroptimist International
for International Peace Day, 21 September 2012, on their ‘Global Truce 2012
Campaign’ which aims to reduce domestic violence, on a global level.


Founded by the British
documentary filmmaker and actor Jeremy Gilley, Peace One Day led a successful
campaign to pass UN Resolution 55/282 recognising Peace Day as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence.

For Peace Day 21 September
2012, Peace One Day has called for, and has been working towards, a day of
ceasefire and non-violence ­– they have called this the ‘Global Truce 2012 Campaign’.
The hope is that this one day will see the largest global reduction of violence
ever recorded – and the largest ever gathering of individuals in the name of

On Peace Day 2008 in Afghanistan the United Nations Department for Safety and
Security, which monitors security related incidents, recorded a 70% reduction
in violent incidents. This number was outstanding and gave hope to Peace One
Day and to other organisations involved, that this day, was a real
foundation towards world peace.

A few weeks ago Soroptimist International HQ received
an email from the Peace One Day team asking for our help towards the Global
Truce 2012 Campaign. I did some research, read about the organisation and
watched some YouTube videos about their work and felt so inspired and excited
that we could be collaborating with another awe-inspiring and positive
organisation. After talks with Jeremy Gilley and other members of the Peace One
Day team we planned how we could go about advertising this day and getting
Soroptimist International members onboard to unite.

Using our social media tools we have
advertised the day and have even created a Special
Edition Global Newsletter dedicated to the collaboration with
information about how to get involved and how to record your peace day
activities. President Alice Wells has also contributed a Special Message recognising this
wonderful event.

What’s more is at 7.30pm (BST), 21st September 2012, our website will be hosting the live stream link (below)
for the Peace One Day concert and we really
hope that as many of you as possible can tune in.

What we want SI to do, as individuals, members,
clubs, or Federations, is to unite together for this special day and do
something that will showcase peace, primarily for those suffering domestic violence.
If one woman’s life can be saved or if one child can have a day free from being
beaten, then all our efforts in awareness and peace building for this one day
will be worth it.

The hope is to make history and to create the
largest global reduction of violence ever recorded on one day!!  Join us and Peace One Day to make it happen.




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