To celebrate the Best Practice winners 2010 – 2011, we will be
running a special series of Best Practice blogs over the coming days.
These articles are written by the clubs themselves, and in many cases
will appear in English and the language of the club. We hope you enjoy
learning about the 2010 – 2011 Best Practice projects and take away
ideas and inspiration for the future!
Programme Focus Objective: Assure women’s advancement in management, politics and decision making.
The Dietz Project is an on going program that starts and ends with each school year. Dietz is an elementary school in the Tucson Unified School District. Most of the 34 fifth grade girls come from low income families. The area has a large high school drop out rate. Most of the girls have little concept of the careers available to women. Through this project, the girls are encouraged to talk about their career dreams and then provided with the support needed to make start on these dreams.
Firstly, they are asked to set goals. The goals can be as simple as reading 10 to 15 minutes more a day to improve their reading skills. Help is provided so they can achieve these goals. They are reminded that many small steps are needed to help reach their goals. During each session the girls review their goals in their journals and update them as needed.
Members and outside speakers are brought into the classroom to expose the girls to career opportunities. During the last meeting of each year we take the girls to Pima Community College. The faculty has the girls do a lot of hands on activities as they tour the campus. College students talk to the girls about grants, loans and other ways of paying for college. The girls are told about career guidance, tutoring programs and other help available. The girls love the trip. After the trip, they realise that colege “isn’t just for rich kids.” Hopefully they will be inspired to complete high school and go on to college or trade school.
SI Desert Tucson, USA