SI Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting 11 to 13 July 2024

The SI Board of Directors met on 11 and 12 July by Zoom to hold a formal Board Meeting and informal discussions, followed by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 13 July. All meetings were Chaired by SI President Siew Yong Gnanalingam (from Malaysia, SISEAP) with all 13 Directors present. To ensure that SI and Federations continue to work closely together, share information and best practice, Federation Presidents joined the Board Meeting as silent observers; fully participating in informal discussions.  

During the Board Meeting five SI UN Designate Representatives who recently completed their first six months service were approved to be appointed as permanent Representatives. This is excellent news for the SI Team of UN Representatives, with the five serving in Nairobi and New York, increasing SI’s permanent team to 23, with three further Designate Representatives currently serving in Geneva. Growing this Team is enabling SI to expand its reach and influence, following more UN Committees, a wider range of subjects and work collectively to provide statements, reports and expertise.  

Further to an initial trial period, the position of SI Representative to The Commonwealth was agreed to be a permanent appointment, enabling the post holder to develop and sustain critical long term relationships with other accredited organisations who work with The Commonwealth. With Soroptimists present in 36 of the 56 countries in The Commonwealth, it is essential that we continue to be an accredited organisation speaking up for women and girls in all their diversity.  The SI Board also approved a new Where We Stand Position Paper entitled ‘Widows’, which is now available on our website. You can find and read all the SI Position Papers on our website.

The Board were delighted to approve a new project for Soroptimist International Foundation which will be launched later this year.  The purpose of the project is to empower Women and Girls to become Environmental Leaders, seeking to mitigate environmental degradation evidenced by increasing deforestation, inadequate green cover, soil erosion, reduced air quality and biodiversity loss in Kenya.  

The Board reviewed and approved updated policies and the company Risk Register and finally the 2023 Annual Report; an extensive report covering SI activities including projects of Soroptimist International Foundation, SI Global Policy (work we do to influence governments) SI Global Impact (the work you do on the ground to help women and girls, International days where we showcase collective work of all Federations and SI, and Commissions we attend like CSW) and our International Convention in Dublin, Ireland. You can download and view the 2023 Annual Report from the SI website as a pdf or flipbook.

The AGM followed the Board meeting; with over 150 Soroptimists attending. Chairing the meeting, SI President Siew Yong welcomed everyone, noting the variations in global timings for all. One minute’s silence was held to mark the passing of Soroptimists during the preceding twelve months.

Formalities of the AGM followed with financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 for the company, SI (Soroptimist International) Limited and Soroptimist International Foundation, and the 2023 Annual Report being received by the five Authorised Representatives (one from each Federation). Appointments and retirements of Directors and Position Holders since 26 July 2023 were also formally noted.

This year SI invited all Directors and the Procedural Consultant to share a little about the work they do for SI. It was encouraging to hear how rewarding and engaging our Directors find their work and the new international friendships which they make.  

Following the AGM formalities many wonderful presentations were given, starting with a review of her 2023 activities, by SI Immediate Past President, Maureen Maguire. SI President Siew Yong presented next, telling us about her work and visits so far in 2024. Chair of Soroptimist International Foundation, Gillie O’Rourke shared an overview of projects delivered during 2023, which once again are spanning the globe, benefitting women and girls with many educational projects enabling the participants to further their studies or career or start micro enterprises.  

Next, we heard from SI Director of Advocacy, Leigh Ellwood Brown on 2023 SI Global Impact work, followed by SI Global Policy Advisor Hana Smith, presenting some of the incredible achievements of the Global Policy Team (UN Representatives) during 2023 and a little update of their activities to date in 2024.  

Soroptimists were invited to ask questions at the meeting. 

  1. The SI Emblem, will it be the symbol of all Federations?  

Director and Chair of SI Communications Isobel Smith responded stating that the SI Emblem can be used by anyone (Club, Region, Country or Federation) The brand guidelines are available from the SI website and detail how to use the Emblem for consistency. Federation logos can be used in conjunction with the SI Emblem. SIE Authorised Representative Hafds Karlsdottir informed the meeting that SIE has called a taskforce together to work on corporate identity for the Federation; the SI Emblem may be used in conjunction with this, that remains to be seen, but this will be finalised before the Governors meeting in 2025.  

  1. UN Representatives activity – what has been achieved by SI’s statements and presence at all the meetings and gatherings? 

SI Director of Advocacy Leigh Ellwood Brown responded by saying that SI works with many other organisations to co-sign statements which are circulated wider than the UN. Leigh also informed the meeting that statements being authored by SI at present are of such a high quality that this is leading to increased recognition of SI’s expertise. In terms of what a statement achieves, Leigh advised that be able to respond precisely, each statement would have to be followed through. Drawing on the presentation given by Global Policy Advisor Hana, Global Executive Director Deborah informed the meeting of two examples of SI’s influence helping to bring about change. In New York SI’s contributions led to outcomes with homelessness and in Nairobi collaborative work led to a treaty to cover the lifecycle of plastics.  

SI UN Representative from Vienna, Christine Peer added that here is not always an immediate reaction to SI statements, but through connections they are often invited to meetings with Embassies to hold discussions following an SI statement. Christine stated that SI is present and that is very important. SI UN Representative from Geneva, Berthe de Vos-Neven informed the meeting that following her oral statement about widows for the Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur on Violence approached Berthe for a copy of her statement. The Special Rapporteur was impressed and is now bringing this subject to the fore in her next mission in 2025. Berthe concluded “We do have reactions to our statements”.  

Prior to her closing remarks Chair Siew Yong read out the following statement regarding the SI 2027 Convention: 

“The SI Board Conventions Committee and SIA are diligently working to find an alternative venue for the SI 2027 Convention following the cancellation of the initial proposal for an Alaskan cruise. Their goal is to select a location that is not only appealing but also easily accessible globally and affordable for Soroptimists. 

We recognise that many members are eagerly awaiting this information to begin their planning and saving. Please know that organising such large-scale events requires considerable time and effort. 

As soon as a decision is made regarding the location, we will make an announcement that will be shared by SI to all Federations.  We apologise for the delay in finalizing the venue for 2027 and appreciate your patience and continued interest in SI Conventions.” 

Chair Siew Yong thanked all for attending the AGM, sharing that she hoped the meeting had been helpful to update Soroptimists everywhere on the work of SI. “I hope that you now have a better understanding of the work of our Directors and that it has inspired some of you to consider this for yourselves. Thank you so much for your time today, I do hope that you have enjoyed this meeting”. 



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