SI Board Restructure

At the recent SI Final Board Meeting of the 2015- 2017 biennium, the directors unanimously agreed to restructure the SI board. Today, they have released the following statement to ensure all members are informed and have the opportunity to show their support for this positive step forward for our global organisation.

STATEMENT – 16 August 2017

The Soroptimist International (SI) Board approved to restructure its size and composition at its meeting on 28 July 2017 in Rotterdam.

The SI Board took this decision to be cost effective while retaining significant involvement of its member Federations, all designed to align with the SI Board’s 2016 – 2019 Strategic Plan approved in 2016.  This restructuring is the result of concentrated efforts of a board-appointed Restructuring Working Group which studied the issue for nearly two years.

The new structure ensures that Soroptimist International’s governance model will involve its Directors with a focus on providing appropriate skills, and will lead the Company to focus on its Mission in a more nimble and effective manner.

The existing SI governance structure of 12 voting Directors, 4 officers, and various committees will be reduced. The newly restructured SI Board will be composed of two representatives from each Federation, the SI President, SI Treasurer and SI Director of Advocacy. Going forward, SI Directors will chair the committees of Governance, Finance, Communications, Advocacy, Convention, and Presidents Appeal.

The new SI board structure will be implemented on 1 January 2018. Future SI Boards will commence on 1 January of even numbered years, e.g., 2020, 2022, 2024, etc.

The Soroptimist International Board believes this new structure is more appropriate to the Mission and clarity of purpose of SI as set out in the SI Strategic Plan, and better aligned with SI’s key strategic priorities. The SI Board is confident this restructuring is a bold step forward which will lead Soroptimist International well into the future.

Yvonne Simpson, SI Immediate Past President/Chair of 2015-17 Final Board Meeting



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