SI Contributes to the Asia and Pacific Review of Beijing+20

Between the
14 – 20 November, South West Pacific Federation Programme Director Dianne
Lockwood attended the UNESCAP regional review on Beijing+20 and the preceding
civil society forum in Bangkok. Over 400 delegates from a diverse range of
organisations attended the meetings.

Photo: South West Pacific Federation Programme Director, Dianne Lockwood, moderating a side-event during the UNESCAP Regional Review of Beijing+20.

“Apart from
the passion and commitment that was evident the most energising aspect was the
number of younger women who were taking up the struggle to improve women’s
rights, particularly in developing nations” reports Dianne.

The issues
that were identified as challenges to achieving gender equality included the
high incidence of violence against women, the effects of climate change,
economic hardship and property rights. Just like the NGO Forum in Geneva,
representatives from civil society attending the events in Bangkok repeatedly
pointed out problems with accountability mechanisms.

sign up to various declarations but do not follow through. As many
organisations and women are not aware of these commitments they are not able to
exert pressure on their governments to deliver”, says Dianne whose work in the
South West Pacific region has made her very aware of the needs of indigenous
peoples, “translating leaders’ commitments into local languages would make the
population more aware and would help empower their interventions.”

Photo:South West Pacific Federation Programme Director, Dianne Lockwood, at a UN meeting in Bangkok with some ladies from Brunei.

attended specific events on violence against women, CEDAW, women and the
environment and the Beijing Platform for Action. At those meetings Dianne was
able to contribute to discussions and include the perspectives of Soroptimists.

countries are trying to put into place legislation to protect women and yet, societal attitudes remain a barrier”, explains
Di, who sees soroptimism as a way to engage with these problems, “clubs can be
involved in this and use advocacy – the role of women is often overlooked!”

many challenges do remain, countries are trying to take steps to better the
lives and status of women and girls. Gender is a cross cutting issue, and the
discrimination experienced by women and girls demands a standalone goal in the
new development agenda. Beijing+20 provides organisations, like Soroptimist
International, a significant opportunity to advocate for the needs of women and




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