Soroptimist International Foundation Announcement – World Vision Georgia

Soroptimist International Foundation is delighted to announce the continuation of our partnership with World Vision Georgia (WVG) as we embark on the next phase of our journey to empower women and girls in Eastern Europe. Since October 2022, this project was launched with the aim of improving the life skills and employability of women and girls through a series of interventions, including: digital skills training through SKYE tech clubs, improved access to existing services and community participation, an advanced English language course, as well as public awareness and advocacy campaigns.  

The continuation of this project is being funded by donations to the ‘Opening Doors to a Bright Future’ Appeal, which is now being managed by Soroptimist International Foundation over the next year, our partnership with WVG will see a new cohort of women and girls provided with the tools and opportunities needed to thrive in the Georgian job market. 

Project Objectives: 2024 – 2025 

The continuation of this project will span from January through to September 2024; during this time, WVG will lead on the delivery of several key project objectives, collaborating closely with Soroptimist International Foundation to ensure the successful realisation of our shared vision. Since the start of the year, baseline assessments have already been completed for objectives #1 and #4 detailed below; however, this is only a portion of what the project seeks to achieve by September.  

Importantly, the project will support the development of independent decision-making and improved well-being of women and girls through the following interventions:  

  1. Enhancing Digital Competencies: A total of 20 women and girls, aged 16-29, will join the SKYE Tech Clubs (as set up during the first phase of this project) to acquire IT competencies such as digital marketing, graphic design, and website management. Participants will also take part in other thematic sessions with a rights-based approach, which will cover women and girl’s rights, active citizenship, leadership, social entrepreneurship, and employment. As such, these sessions will not only increase the participants employability, but also empower them to navigate the digital landscape confidently.   
  1. Promoting Socio-Economic Inclusion: Through participation in the Ultra Poor Graduation programme, 10 vulnerable women led households with children will be supported. This initiative will equip participants with social and economic skills to combat poverty, fostering resilience and self-sufficiency within their communities.  
  1. Ensuring Safety and Wellbeing: 20 girls and women will engage in psycho-emotional and physical safety training sessions facilitated by professional psychologists, social workers, and martial artists. These sessions will raise awareness about violence prevention, enhance participants’ self-confidence, and equip them with lifesaving skills. 
  1. Language Empowerment: Five girl students will benefit from German language courses, enhancing their employability and expanding their opportunities for cultural and educational exchange programs. 
  1. Promoting Gender Equality Awareness: The project will promote visibility through TV/radio broadcasts on themes of gender equality, challenging stereotypes, and advocating for the rights of women and girls. These efforts will contribute to raising public awareness and fostering a more inclusive and supportive society.  


It is significant that these objectives are designed to address some of the pressing issues faced by women and girls living in Georgia, including issues of discrimination against women and girls, the need to bridge the digital divide and promote economic inclusion, as well as the need for new mechanisms and conditions to guarantee gender equality in Georgia. By equipping participants with digital competencies, promoting economic inclusion, and fostering community participation, the project aims to bridge gaps in access to opportunities and resources. Furthermore, initiatives to raise public awareness about these issues are vital for driving societal change and creating a more inclusive and equitable environment. 

Ultimately, by empowering women and girls to take control of their lives, the project not only enhances individual well-being but also contributes to the overall prosperity and progress of communities in Georgia.

World Vision Georgia Project Update: Quarter 1, 2024  

Following the commencement of the project at the start of the year, progress has already been made toward laying the groundwork of these impactful interventions. Baseline assessments have been completed for objectives one and four, marking crucial milestones in our journey towards enhancing social and economic inclusion and improving well-being. These assessments have provided invaluable insights into the needs and priorities of vulnerable women-led households and young girls participating in the project’s Ultra Poor Graduation model and German language courses, respectively. 

The baseline assessment results for the Ultra Poor Graduation project reveal significant progress in engaging vulnerable women-led households with children in activities aimed at enhancing their social and economic inclusion. Through collaboration with key stakeholders, including state agencies and local government departments, the project team successfully selected 10 households based on strict criteria, ensuring high motivation and vulnerability. Notably, the assessment identified diverse professional and economic priorities among the households, ranging from hair care and sewing to accounting and culinary arts. This comprehensive approach underscores the project’s commitment to empowering participants with the skills and resources necessary for improved well-being and economic independence. 

The baseline assessment results for the German language courses project highlight significant opportunities for vulnerable girls to enhance their cultural understanding and job prospects. With the aim of capacity-building for better employment opportunities and educational exchange, the project identified five vulnerable girls with a keen interest in learning German. Coordination efforts between WVG, the Soroptimist Women Club in Kutaisi, and the German language department of Kutaisi Akaki Tsereteli State University facilitated the selection process, ensuring alignment with participants’ future study or employment plans. 

The baseline test results have revealed a range of proficiency levels among the participants, with scores ranging from beginner to A1 level. Assessing the participants in this way has enabled instructors to tailor study plans to individual needs, with the goal of advancing all participants to at least A1 level proficiency. Moreover, by providing tailored support and access to language skills development, the project aims to empower vulnerable girls to seize opportunities for cultural exchange, educational advancement, and improved job prospects both locally and abroad. 

Looking Forward 

As we mark significant milestones with the completion of baseline assessments for objectives one and four, we’re invigorated by the progress of our project in Georgia. Through targeted interventions aimed at enhancing social and economic inclusion, promoting cultural understanding, and advocating for gender equality, we’re laying the groundwork for transformative change. With each step forward, we’re excited about the potential impact on the lives of women and girls in Georgia, as we continue our journey towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society. 

Further information:   

Soroptimist International Foundation is a Charitable Trust overseen by SI (Soroptimist International) Limited. Soroptimist International Foundation is currently managing legacies, Educating Women from War Torn Countries fund and the final projects of ‘Opening Doors to a Bright Future’ Appeal.

Donations to Soroptimist International Foundation, including the Educating War Torn Countries fund are gratefully received. ‘Opening Doors to a Bright Fugure’ Appeal is now closed to donation.

For further information or to make enquires regarding legacies, please email  



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