SI President’s Appeal: Trinidad and Tobago Mid-Term Update

Commencing at the beginning of 2023, our collaboration with Restore a Sense of I Can (RSC) has embodied the mission and values of Soroptimist International (SI) as we invest in the transformative power of education, empowering and enabling women and girls to create a bright future for themselves and their communities. Launched as part of the SI Presidents Appeal 2021 – 2023 within the Soroptimist International Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) Federation, this project is an ongoing endeavour that aims to make a lasting impact in Trinidad and Tobago, St Vincent and the Grenadines, with a special focus on Venezuelan migrant women.

Project Summary

At its core, this project is founded on the belief that knowledge holds the potential to empower individuals and communities, as well as bring about radical transformation within them. More specifically, providing continuous access to training and educational resources has the potential to revolutionise the lives of women and girls, enabling them to enhance their decision-making abilities, nurture self-confidence and foster critical thinking skills.

In order to achieve this, this project initially set out to recruit at least 100 participants, aged 11 and upwards, from among women and girls living in Trinidad and Tobago, St Vincent and the Grenadines – with at least 15 participants being Venezuelan migrant women. Following a sensitization drive in January 2023, along with two additional orientation sessions, a total of 120 participants registered to participate in the project.

The project itself has consisted of a series of workshops aimed at fulfilling 4 key goals, namely:

  1. To develop a basic technology skill set in the participants allowing them to become creators and not just users in the digital space.
  2. To create a mindset shift amongst women with respect to technology and so create interest in pursuing income-earning opportunities in these areas.
  3. To develop a collaborative community peer to peer support group.
  4. To develop trainers to enable sustainability of the project in the long term.


Workshop Sessions

Cyber Security

Among the workshop sessions participants were engaged in, the Cyber Security Training proceeded according to plan – equipping participants with the knowledge and skills required to safeguard their personal information, online identities, and digital assets.

This aspect of the workshop holds particular significance for women due to the gender-specific risk they face in the online world – women are often prime targets for online harassment, cyberbullying, and stalking, facing a disproportionate number of abusive messages, threats, the dissemination of personal information, and derogatory comments. Instances of harassment such as this can have a profound emotional and psychological impact, affecting their mental wellbeing and sense of security. Remarkably, although 9.8% of women involved in the program had indicated a personal infringement online, over 80% of the women in the program reported that someone close to them was affected.

Furthermore, women are susceptible to various online scams and phishing attempts, including deceitful emails, counterfeit websites, and social engineering tactics. Falling victim to these scams can result in financial losses, personal information theft, or the installation of malicious software. Alarmingly, every single woman in the program had been targeted in phishing scams.

To address these challenges, the training provided participants with awareness and basic techniques for online safety. However, the journey towards becoming adept practitioners of safe online practices is ongoing, with not all participants having fully integrated these habits into their daily routines. Efforts are being made to continually educate and collaborate with the participants, fostering an understanding of the dangers they face and facilitating the development of these essential habits.

Digital Literacy

Following the Cyber Security training, the Digital Literacy program has been progressing steadily and is now approaching its eighth session. The transformation and enthusiasm displayed by the women throughout the program have been truly remarkable. Many of them, who had never imagined they would be capable of building websites, using Artificial Intelligence, or becoming self-learners through online simulations, expressed immense joy and emotions that were both touching and inspiring.

The growth and newfound skills of the participants were further demonstrated through their active involvement in the girls in ICT eCommerce web development event, which also included a competition. While we eagerly await the official results of the event, preliminary discussions indicate that several of our participants have been selected for prizes. This achievement is a testament to their dedication and progress in the program.

At present, the participants are engaged in the creation of individual ePortfolios, which will be presented as microsites at the conclusion of the program. This showcase will provide an opportunity for them to exhibit their newly acquired skills and accomplishments, marking a significant milestone in their digital literacy journey.


The program involving migrants encountered several setbacks in terms of timelines, primarily due to the multitude of challenges faced by this group of women. Many of them are in a constant state of survival, grappling with the difficulties of providing for their children who are not being accepted into government schools. Additionally, most of them lack a stable source of income, making it even more challenging for them to acquire devices and internet connectivity.

To address these obstacles, the project team have initiated the process of refurbishing computers and are in the final stages of setting up a physical location where the women can attend the program sessions. While this approach limits the program’s reach to a specific geographical area, it helps overcome the financial constraints associated with travel expenses.

RSC are actively working to overcome these challenges and expect to have this aspect of the program up and running very soon. By providing the necessary infrastructure and support, they aim to ensure that these women have equal opportunities to benefit from the program and improve their digital literacy skills, despite the obstacles they face.

The project team have also noted that participants who rely solely on a single phone face greater challenges compared to those who have access to computers or use two phones. To address this disparity, RSC are implementing additional breakout room support to provide them with the necessary assistance and resources.

In RSC’s unwavering commitment to empower and uplift each participant, we have taken significant strides to overcome challenges and create an environment where their dreams can flourish. The session format, whilst carefully designed to cater to their needs had to have some adjustments due to the broad spectrum of technical skills of the women. Currently, the virtual sessions are in full swing, allowing participants to engage in the program from the comfort of their own spaces. The connection established through these virtual platforms is nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Physical Sessions

Recognising the significance of human connection and the power of face-to-face interaction, the next chapter of this Appeal project will see participants in Trinidad provided with the opportunity to join RSC for in person workshops. There is a lot of excitement among the participants and the RSC project team, as this personal touch will surely contribute to an even stronger sense of community, whilst deepening the learning experience.

The RSC training sessions have been a source of immense pride and joy – together, everyone involved have delved into a comprehensive range of topics outlined in the Digital Literacy program, illuminating pathways to knowledge and empowering the participants with invaluable skills. With an impressive attendance rate of approximately 80%, they have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their own growth and development.

Furthermore, the project team have established a dedicated communications channel on Discord to provide additional support. Within this virtual sanctuary, a team of compassionate RSC Tech Support volunteers stands ready to extend a helping hand, offering individualised assistance and guidance tailored to the specific needs of each participant. Through this network of support, the participants are also able to experience a stronger sense of community online, where they can communicate and collaborate one another, whilst the project team are able to further nurture their potential, ignite sparks of inspiration, and pave the way toward transformative success.


The project has been progressing successfully, and through RSC’s interactions with the participants, they have observed a wide range of technical skills among them. While some participants require significant additional support, others are making notable progress on their own.

As detailed by the RSC Director, Raj Ramdass:

‘Perhaps the most profound victory lies in the heartfelt expressions of gratitude and love we receive from the participants. Hearing them say, “We are so anxious that we can’t wait for the sessions” touched us, as it signifies the importance of this project in their lives. It is a testament to the value they have found within our community. In a private conversation, one participant confided in a tutor, expressing that this newfound “family” has become a beacon of hope in her life.’

We are looking forward to hearing further updates from the RSC team as this Appeal Project draws to a close in September 2023.



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