SIGBI Conference: 1200 Soroptimists Make a Big Red Splash in Gateshead

On 1-2 November, Soroptimist International Great Britain and
Ireland (SIGBI) Federation’s Annual Conference brought together 1200 Soroptimists from 29 countries in Newcastle/Gateshead, UK. In this week’s SoroptiVoice blog, SIGBI President Pat Black and former Communications Director Jane Slatter report from the Conference. For full reports visit  

The annual
SIGBI Conference is always a special event for Members: an opportunity to be
inspired and recharge Soroptimist batteries, to renew friendships, make new friends and to
work out ever more ways to make a difference to the lives of women and girls

Soroptimist red square to raise awareness of endometriosis

1200 Soroptimists from 29 countries gathered beside the Sage Gateshead
Centre in front of the Millennium Bridge over the River Tyne dressed in red,
together with local girl guides, guiders, the Mayor of Gateshead and other
local supporters, creating a ‘Red Square’. This created wonderful images which are
being used to raise the profile of Soroptimists as well as to raise awareness
of Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a poorly diagnosed condition that affects
about 1.5 million women in the UK and 176 million women worldwide.

Clubs in Conference passed two important Resolutions to raise awareness of both
Modern Day Slavery and Endometriosis. 

Inspirational speakers included: Baroness Helena Kennedy QC on Women Changing the World, 
, Lady Marie

on Ahead of the Class and Jasvinder Sanghera co-founder of Karma Nirvana  on honour
based abuse and forced marriage

Helena Kennedy at SIGBI conference

Speakers Baroness Helena Kennedy QC and Jasvinder Sanghera

Extracts from President Pat Black’s daily
Conference blogs

Thursday, Opening

Soroptimists gathered from around the world.
Girl Guides were lined up with the flags of the Federation to welcome us. 
They did us proud as they showed each country’s flag, and the whole audience
rose to welcome the UN flag accompanied by International Programme Director
Hilary Ratcliffe and the Soroptimist International flag accompanied by
International President Ann Garvie. It is always an emotional experience to see
those flags but the depth of feeling was so much greater as I greeted each flag
and its Guide carrier.

SIGBI President Pat Black SIGBI Conference opening ceremony flags

Friday, from the Red Square, to the AGM

from the door of the Sage Conference centre into the sunshine and the fiery
glow of red everywhere as Soroptimists gathered on the performance arena. There
were red scarves, jackets, coats, hats, feather boas, wigs and umbrellas.The
Mayor of Gateshead joined us in his full scarlet red robes and wonderful
regalia. Everyone raised their red roses in the air and
together raised their voices to shout about endometriosis. 

SIGBI conference first-timers 

During the day I met with first time
Conference delegates (who are easily identified by their special yellow
lanyards) who were finding out more about Soroptimism and the different parts
of the organisation. I hope therefore they found International President Ann
Garvie’s passionate
informative and inspiring .
SI Europe
President Ulla brought another dimension demonstrating why the clubs of her
Federation are concentrating on ‘going green’.

SI President Ann Garvie SI President Ann Garvie at SIGBI conference

For me that is one of the most
positive aspects of Soroptimism- we are all working to the same goals but in
different parts of the world we can be taking varying approaches. The AGM was
efficient with the use of electronic voting pads. Clubs had thought about the
resolutions beforehand and delegates seemed well briefed so the flow of the
meeting seemed good.

from Programme to the Change of Insignia

An exciting
day ahead on Saturday with Programme Action being the focus. Everyone was
excited to hear who had won the overall Best Practice Award.

Promoting SI Convention in Istanbul 2015 

I started the day with a quick visit to the many
stalls which are here at the Sage – Soroptimist clubs and their projects and a
stall manned by International Programme Director Hilary Ratcliffe promoting theSI Convention in Istanbul 2015. 

The whole day was an amazing collage of the
incredible and powerful work we as Soroptimist do, often alongside partners
such as Mary’s Meals. The courage and determination of our
recipient of the Diamond Education Award
was outstanding and I am sure that
young lady will be very successful in the future 

IPD Hilary Ratcliffe speaks at SIGBI conference 

 Our International
Programme Director
set out the Global
context for us very clearly and reminded us why we are Soroptimist INTERNATIONAL 
It resonated
with me very strongly because I think that we are so much more powerful through
our network of members in many countries around the world. It was a great
delight to present the Best Practice Awards, especially as one, the Kori
Project from SI Thames Valley in the UK, was outstanding, picking up three
awards including the overall winner; just like the Oscars.  

The  “Change of Insignia
ceremony is always a proud moment for those who receive their chains of office,
and I hope that
President Margaret will enjoy her year as much as I have enjoyed mine. 

 President Pat hands over the chain of office to President Margaret

I had a wonderful time at this conference and
think all the planning which the Conference Committee (all volunteers….) 
paid off – someone said to me that they thought it was “slick and very
professional” – praise indeed! Congratulations and thanks to all who made
our time in Gateshead so full of fun and friendships. And to the “Conference Makers”
– we all loved your smiles.

Legacy for Local Homeless – Under the Bridge event

Conference attendees were asked  to
bring items such as underwear and men’s socks to donate to the Under the Bridge
charity, for use in their clothing store. Under the Bridge Charity Limited
provides services to over 100 homeless men and women in the North East and
provides emergency accommodation for 31 single homeless people in immediate
need at Byker Bridge House. 1,909 pairs
of knickers and 1,437 pairs of socks were donated by delegates!

Knickers under the bridge - SIGBI support for homeless women 

For details
of each day and every session of the SIGBI Conference please visit the
Conference website 

The theme for the SIGBI year 2013-2014 was “From Vision
to Action – Soroptimists Educating to Lead” and this conference was a vibrant
show-case of the theme.

Finally, we send our good wishes to President
Margaret Oldroyd and her Conference Committee for an equally enjoyable and
excellent (three E’s?!) Conference in 2014




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