SIGBI Federation Project – The 3E Project: Healthcare

Throughout December, we are delighted to welcome SI leadership
to the SoroptiVoice blog spot! This week, SIGBI President Maureen presents the new SIGBI Federation project ‘The 3E Project: Healthcare’, explains how it relates to SI’s programme of work under education and leadership, and how it seeks to address maternal mortality in The Gambia through their partner organisation, MCAI. Next Friday SIA President Pat will write for us (23rd), followed by SISWP President Yvonne (30th). Click here to read SIE President Kathy’s blog from December 2nd. 



everyone! I am delighted that you are now reading about the new SIGBI
Federation Project : "The 3E Project: Healthcare".

What a
lot has happened in our organisation over the past 12 months.  I was delighted when it was announced that
Soroptimist International’s main programme of work would be under the theme of Education and
Leadership.  After all, doesn’t this
apply to everyone in our world to-day? 

Montreal, SIGBI delegates to the programme part of the meeting listened intently and took
part in the debate as we firmly believe that the way forward to improve the
lives of women and girls is through education, empowerment and the provision of enabling opportunities.  

we had a theme, many members were sorry to lose the idea of a collective project. SIGBI then decided to set in place
a Federation wide project. I was
delighted by this enthusiasm, and so I sought advice and guidance from SIGBI Programme
Director Sue Biggs and her team of Assistant Programme Directors. 

idea was presented to our Federation Programme Action Committee and the
Federation Management Board in Brighton by Sue and Dr Ronda McDonald, Chief Executive of Maternal
and Child Health Advocacy International
At both of these meetings, the idea was publish and we agreed to implement
 “The 3 E Project: Healthcare”. I was honoured to be able to announce this in my inaugural speech after the Change
of Insignia in Brighton, October 2011.  Now the hard
work has started, and we have pledged to raise £100,000 each year for the next
three years.

This joint
venture, 3E
Project: Healthcare, focuses on access to appropriate healthcare through education, empowerment and enabling opportunities for the women, children and babies of The
Gambia where currently one pregnant woman or girl out of every
49 will die from the complications of pregnancy or childbirth. Furthermore, for
every death, another 30 women and girls are left disabled or seriously injured.
Our organisations believe that lack of appropriately trained health workers
contributes to the problem. For example, in The Gambia there are only five
trained midwives for every 1,000 births. As a result, women and girls often
face preventable life-threatening situations at all stages of pregnancy, and
sadly, many die due to lack of appropriate and timely treatment.

The 3E Project: Healthcare aims to change this appalling situation by
creating an effective path of emergency care from the home to the hospital. They plan to do so in 4 ways:

  1. Appropriate
    training of all health care workers so that have the skills to save lives;
  2. Adequately
    refurbishing and equipping health facilites to make them fit for purpose and to
    enable health staff to do their jobs;
  3. Supplying
    essential drugs and supplies needed for emergency treatment;
  4. Establishing
    emergency ambulance services to take seriously ill patinets to hospitals where
    they can receive the care they need.

the project will seek to:

Educate talented and dedicated health
workers in The Gambia with training especially designed to be most helpful to
those working in resource limited settings;

Empower health workers at all levels to be
more effective in their roles.  We will
do this through improving health care supplies, equipment and facilities;

Enable seriously ill and injured pregnant women, babies
and children to have access to appropriate emergency healthcare as soon as they
are in need of these services.

My belief in this project is strong.  I also believe that we will change the lives
of others who are so much less fortunate than ourselves. This is the main reason why I
joined this wonderful organisation! However, we will only do this if we go
forward “Facing the Future Together”. 


For more information, please click here.



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