Soroptimist International Club Friendship Day

On Club Friendship Day, 3 October, Soroptimist International celebrates the day that the very first Soroptimist Club was established in Oakland, California in 1921. Together, across continents and cultures, Soroptimists transform the lives of women and girls in need through local and international projects, friendship links with other clubs, and partnerships with local organisations that support the same vision as Soroptimist International.

"For me the friendships which I have made as a Soroptimist have enhanced my way of life", says President Ann Garvie in her President’s message for Club Friendship Day. "I would never have learnt about so many different cultures, beliefs and thought processes if I had not stepped out of my comfort zone or travelled beyond my own back yard."  

Soroptimist International is committed to global co-operation. To further this aim, members of SI establish "Friendship Links" with clubs in different countries. Soroptimists also offer “Friendship Grants” which allow members to apply for funding to visit each other and see, firsthand, their friendship links in action. This programme encourages the development of co-operation, through networking, and participation in programmes which increase knowledge and understanding of different cultures and life-styles. Above all, it is a way of strengthening friendships throughout the world, bringing Soroptimists together to increase impact!


On 3 October 2013, Soroptimists from 9 countries will meet in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the start of SI South West Pacific’s EDUCATE, EXCHANGE CONNECTION for Goodwill and Understanding initiated by the Federation President Siew Yong Gnanalingam,

The participants, all under the age of 45 identified as potential leaders in their communities, will take part in three days of visits, talks and workshops before travelling on to another country to spend 5-7 days learning about its culture, visiting Soroptimist projects and learning about work being done for marginalised women and girls. Read more about the Educate, Exchange Connection Programme.




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