Soroptimist International Conference on the Future Federation of Africa

Ann Garvie, Soroptimist International Immediate Past President 2013-2015, brings news of the Conference on the Future Federation of Africa, held
in Madagascar on 17- 19 March 2016, the second all African meeting, following the event held two years
ago in Pretoria, South Africa.  


Image: SIE Immediate Past President Ulla Madsen, Vice
President Extension Africa, Emine Erdem, SIE President Elect, Renata Trottmann, Task Force member Chinwe Ezenwa-Mbah and Soroptimist International Immediate Past President 2013-2015, Ann Garvie.(Courtesy Eigene Bilder2015-2016 SIENeuer OrdnerMadagaskar).

"The organization of the conference held in the Carlton Hotel
Antananarico, was a credit to the organizing team led by Fara Ratsimanohatra,
with every Soroptimist Club in Madagascar contributing to the success of the
conference, delivered with particular attention to detail. Many congratulations
and well done.


Image: Soroptimists attend the Conference on the future Federation of Africa "a credit to the organizing team". (Courtesy Eigene Bilder2015-2016 SIENeuer OrdnerMadagaskar).

After a moving opening ceremony which included a roll call
of countries, a parade of flags and a candle-lit ceremony, the Task Force 2014 –
2016 led by Mariam Traore Konate provided the delegates with a comprehensive
overview, supported by other Task Force members including, Chinwe Ezenwa-Mbah,
Sally Currin and Elizebeth Nyadwe.

Also in attendance were representatives from Soroptimist
International of Europe, President Elect, Renata Trottmann Probst, Vice
President Extension Africa, Emine Erdem, Extension Chairperson, Gerda Rosiers
and Past Federation President, Ulla Madsen, SI Great Britain and Ireland
President Elect, Ann Hodgson and Past Federation President, Margaret Oldroyd.

Federation Presidents Elect, Renata and Ann, President Elect
Emine and Extension Chair Gerda, made an address to the delegates, commenting on
the achievements made and the challenges before the Task Force.

There were workshops which addressed issues relating to
Membership, Programme, Leadership, Resources and Constitution/Bye-Laws, and discussions
were lively, productive and thought provoking, with comprehensive feedback.

The social events were colourful, exciting and most
enjoyable, including a friendship evening with Madagascan Members demonstrating
traditional dance and a Gala Dinner with beautiful food, dance, music and an outstanding
fashion show.

The conference demonstrated achievements, challenges and
outstanding goals before the Task Force and the Members, there is clearly
determination and commitment to succeed and I was delighted to observe since
the Pretoria Conference the strides which have been taken and achieved”.

Ann Garvie, Soroptimist International Immediate Past President, 2013-2015


Many more photographs can be found at  Conférence de la Future Fédération d’Afrique SIFAF 2016




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