Soroptimist International Foundation


Soroptimist International Foundation was established in March 2021 as a charitable trust to allow Soroptimist International to accurately account for its project work, leverage its charitable status, and enhance its ability to apply for grants and funding. Soroptimist International Foundation receives funding from Soroptimist donations, legacies, grants, and other funding sources.

Soroptimist International Foundation is managed by the SI Board who act on behalf of the Trustee, SI (Soroptimist International) Limited. The Board ensures that funded projects meet the objectives as detailed below, having due regard to the guidance issued by the Charity Commission, England and Wales in respect of public benefit. It was officially ‘launched’ at the Soroptimist International Convention in Dublin in 2023.

Watch SI President Siew Yong Gnanalingam’s appeal for donations on Soroptimist International Foundation Day, 10 December 2024. 

Soroptimist International Foundation provides funding for projects that aim to Educate, Empower and Enable the lives of women and girls around the world.

The Objects of Soroptimist International Foundation are to promote either directly or by the encouragement and support of others:

  • Advancing education
  • Promoting health and saving lives
  • Preventing and alleviating poverty
  • Encouraging good citizenship and community development
  • Promoting human rights, peace, equality, and diversity


To date (September 2024) Soroptimist International Foundation projects have addressed critical issues such as poverty, education, health, violence against women, and gender equality, all of which align with many of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. These initiatives have made a significant impact, empowering marginalized women and girls and supporting sustainable development in communities across various regions.

Soroptimist International Foundation operates in a similar way to that of previous Soroptimist International Presidents’ Appeals with donations received from Soroptimists enabling projects. However, a further benefit of Soroptimist International Foundation is that Soroptimist Clubs and Regions can apply for project funding from the Foundation. Please view and download the application forms.

We would like to hear from you on the issues we can support which will improve the lives of women and girls. This could include addressing domestic, sexual or gender-based violence, poverty and homelessness or providing access to education and healthcare.  You can contact us by email at and please mark your email for the attention of the Chair of Soroptimist International Foundation.

Further information: 

Soroptimist International Foundation is a Charitable Trust overseen by SI (Soroptimist International) Limited. Soroptimist International Foundation is currently managing legacies, Educating Women from War Torn Countries fund and the final projects of ‘Opening Doors to a Bright Future’ Appeal.

Donations to Soroptimist International Foundation, including the Educating War Torn Countries fund are gratefully received. ‘Opening Doors to a Bright Future’ Appeal is now closed to donation.

For further information or to make enquires regarding legacies, please email and mark your email for the attention of  the Chair of Soroptimist International Foundation.

Watch the presentation from our 2024 AGM on Soroptimist International Foundation.

Read the update on Soroptimist International Foundation in our 2024 Annual Report.

Latest project: supporting displaced women and girls in Mali

We are very pleased to announce the latest Soroptimist International Foundation project in partnership with Soroptimist International (SI) Lumière, Bamako in Mali, West Africa.  Read our news story to find out more about this project which supports 100 displaced women and girls.

Currently the Soroptimist International Foundation has launched with two projects, although there is limited funding for both projects, hence our call to you to support the work to improve the lives of women and girls across the world.  Please give generously to enable us to continue the work of these vital projects.

Education For Women And Girls In or From War-Torn Countries

Education For Women And Girls 

In or From War-Torn Countries

Soroptimist International Foundation has received a donation from SIA Taiwan Region which is specifically for the education of women and girls from or in war-torn countries.

The project criteria are:

  • A war-torn country is defined as a country with internal or external armed conflict.
  • Projects must be in a country defined by SI as part of a Federation.
  • Projects must be educational in their nature.
  • Projects must include a Soroptimist hands-on element, not just providing money and equipment such as books.
  • Projects must include women and girls who are in or have fled from a war-torn country.


Applications for funding for projects that meet the criteria above Education For Women And Girls In or From War-Torn Countries would be very appreciated.  Click here to download the Expression of Interest Form.

All applications will be reviewed and if sufficient funding is available, they will be selected and applicants notified.

Project participant testimonials

Soroptimist International Foundation is proud to share heartfelt testimonials from women whose lives have been transformed through our projects. In these inspiring videos, beneficiaries express how the initiatives have empowered them—whether through education, skills training, or support for starting their own businesses.

Their words reflect the profound impact of our collaborative efforts with partners and the generosity of our donors. From gaining confidence and economic independence to improving health and family well-being, these stories highlight the ripple effects of collective action.

Each video is a testament to the power of partnership and the kindness of those who contribute to our mission. The women not only share their gratitude with Soroptimist International Foundation and our partners but also extend their heartfelt thanks to donors worldwide.

These stories reaffirm our shared commitment to fostering resilience, opportunity, and equality. Watch, be inspired, and continue supporting change!

Cambodia Community Dream Organisation:

Please click on the images below to view the videos.

Noy Sa

Liam Mao

Preun Proun

Find out more!

Want to find out more about Soroptimist International Foundation? Read our FAQs.

Donate now!

For the next five years, Soroptimist International Foundation will fund projects with a focus on the following three SI Objectives:

  • the advancement of education
  • the relief and/or prevention of poverty
  • the advancement of human rights, peace, equality and diversity

Current SI Foundation projects

Make a Donation

Please support Soroptimist International Foundation in helping women and girls by Educating, Empowering and Enabling them.

Club and individual donations should be sent to your Federation, however larger or restricted donations can be sent directly to Soroptimist International Foundation.

Please send an email to to find out more.

Soroptimist International Foundation (registered in England and Wales 1194895).


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